Screen doesn't come on after power-on


Install thats binaries and reboot
then sudo apt autoremove, sudo apt-mark hold linux*



My auto-warn level is set to 30% (and has in the past been set to 20%). And invariably the phone is going on charge after the first time it asks me to put it on charge i.e. with an even lower charge level.

So, as neither of us experiences the problem but we have different charging strategies relative to ā€œ40%ā€, I donā€™t think thatā€™s the difference.

Other factors to consider:

  • whether one uses suspend (I donā€™t or at least I havenā€™t enabled it myself)
  • Is there a firmware update for the touchscreen controller? (but it is not clear that that would affect the display itself) In any case I have not performed any update in respect of this firmware.

Thank you. When Iā€™m back home I will test it and keep you updated.
Meanwhile Iā€™m visitging your country. It is hot at the moment.

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Thanks, but I donā€™t like to update the kernel to something I donā€™t fully understand (phone is my daily driver and I need it to work). Iā€™ll wait until an official patch is released. Thanks anyway for thinking along!


In what part of the country are you that is hot?


Aragon: +30Ā°C

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I guess that you are at @flanders51 country, like Aragon Spain. I am from Central America.


My bad.
I was thinking that you lived in Spain. Sorry for that.


Since I reflashed a couple of days ago, I havenā€™t once seen the problem with the screen not coming on at boot, despite quite a few power-ons over these two days.

So I wonder what I might have done to the old install that isnā€™t present in the new installā€¦ :man_shrugging: (Other than going from non-LUKS to LUKS.)


I am no longer using L5 Liberty for main phone due the start up problem.

It just got updated with new kernel today June 30, no more updatesā€¦ same start up problem.
5 times to get startedā€¦ tried twice same result.

I used to turn of during travel and back on for several hours check mail wait for calls due to the battery drain ā€¦ not using suspend. Too much of a pain to get started.
Hope someone gets this bug fixed soon OR Crimson is gets to usable state (waiting).
Any way, thanks for recent help and Iā€™ll continue reading forum.
Sincerely D. Spring