Screen doesn't come on after power-on

Hi Christal,
Thanks for your suggestion.
However, I use the software button (upper right corner) to switch off my L5 and I do not have bread crumbs on my finger while doing so :smile:
Iā€™m convinced that itā€™s a bug and Iā€™m sure it will be resolved. I just need to be patient.
Read my messages as a feedback to Purism (this message is linked to Issue 494).

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January 18 -

  1. A new upgrade this morning
    175% display still reverts to 100%.

  2. Start up behavior is still the same, push til green let goā€¦ no start. No green light holding same amount of time! Press again and count to 10-12 sec (approx) then press again produces green light ā€¦ hold til light goes off and release then screen keyboard opens.

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Is there a place to see progress / fixes applied to new kernels etc?

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Yesā€¦ power ON or Shut down, for me are the same. Physical One, no software. So i was talking about the Boot Process. But you and shopping4purism are right about the software one.

Buy a USB-C to USB Adapter, attach a Keyboard and try to free some Space on /boot
I think you got lost in an update Process and if you push the shout down Button before the update Script was finished ( or till not enough space on /boot), you have a chance to fix that loop. Otherwise get in touch with support or send back you phone. However i think you could flash your phone or have enough space during that update too.
On Linux you have that option to use a ttty prompt/Console to login with alt + ctrl + 1 (up to 9) to connect to your system, even if the graphical Desktop/Interface do not start properly - to fix things.
I think you have not enough free space on your boot, cause you apply updates and new Kernels on your Boot, without drop not used installations with apt - it tell you to run some command after update to free space, and remove obsolete packages.


Follow the various links in this blog post:

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Maybe Iā€™m lucky or maybe someting has changed
So far, booting the L5 went OK the last 2 weeks.
I do hope it will stay that way. :pray:


I knew it this would happen. After writing the message in this thread I have these booting issues again.
So nothing has changed.
I guess itā€™s back to the ā€˜waiting for a solutionā€™ queue. :pensive:

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Yes, it seems to happen randomly for me now. The problem disappeared for a while, though.


Does anyone know it there has been progress with fixing this problem?
The L5 cannot be considered reliable for an emergency call! Meaning ā€¦ the battery wonā€™t last that long so if shut down it takes sometimes as many as 5 times or so to start up.

Would be nice if it would be addressed in a timely manner!!



Itā€™s time to have this bug resolved.

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Thats already fixed time ago, but not pushed to byzantium tree. However you can update LNX manually.

Purism is working to get more powersave in S2R and AM.

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Strangely, I donā€™t think that I have ever had this problem (after 3 years+ of use and across both amber and byzantium, the former without encryption, the latter with). I wonder what the difference is / what the trigger is.

Is it fixed in crimson (@carlosgonz ) and, if so, are you (@amarok) willing to flash crimson?


No, not until itā€™s ready, and I couldnā€™t even if I wanted to.

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This once happened to me after a quick and easy shutdown from the terminal (a bad idea). Your fix is easier than the one I used, although I donā€™t know if it will work in every case.

Later, I turned the phone on and when the display didnā€™t come up, I thought the phone was off. So I set it down and didnā€™t pick it up for a few weeks. By then, the battery was totally drained. After charging the battery for several days, it stayed dead. So I pulled the battery out, left the power plugged in, and booted the phone that way. With no competition between a very dead battery (a big electrical load) and the phone, the phone booted normally. Then while booted, I pushed the battery in, hoping that the intelligence in the phone would regulate the rate of battery charging. That worked. The phone stayed booted and eventually the battery took a full charge with no damage done.


It happens to me very often.
Then, out of the blue, booting is no problem. After a week or so, that bug is back.



Thats already fixed time ago, but not pushed to byzantium tree. However you can update LNX manually.
How can we do this?
Does it afect regular updates?


Just want to say: me too. I have experienced the same problem (for months). I power off my device every night to save energy (plus the security benefit). The next morning, I sometimes have to try 5 times to get the screen on.


I feel like I have never encountered this problem after a year of using L5 (~6 months L5, ~6 months Liberty Phone).

Is the difference that I try to keep battery charge above 40% as much as possible, and usually battery swap to an externally changed battery when it falls below 40%?

For the first several months I didnā€™t know to battery swap while plugged in and would frequently power off the device to so the swap, so its not as if I was avoiding on/off cycles.

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I do this religiously, too.

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I suspected this as well, but after keeping the L5 charged near 90%, I noticed that the boot issues where still there.

So now I drain the battery again before charching.

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