Selling Librem 5 Order (ships directly from purism)

Linux Users Group. It’s how Linux spread amongst home users in the 90’s and 2000’s. If you needed an extra HD for an image before an upgrade, you could generally borrow one —> HW was much pricier in those days and people would share. Cables, monitors, 5 1/4" floppy drive, SCSI CD drive, IOMEGA drive, …

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Thanks, it is new for me.

I got it. Thanks for the full explanation.

Just for the record i started using Gnu/Linux ecosystem by 2008 via Ubuntu thanks to a Windows NT Programmer.

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Nice! I don’t think LUGs were as necessary by 2008 since the internet was more useful for sharing Linux tips/tricks/philosophy by then.


I would be interested in your order…can you do $450?


Yes, I can do that. Let me figure out how to transfer the order to you. You can pm me directly for further communication.


To transfer an unshipped order in a secure manner you need to involve Purism, and this is a tried and true process that quite a few users have followed.


I have already emailed purism about how to do this, any steps in particular I should know?

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Only one: Contact Purism. :wink:


How to properly send emails to Purism


Hmm, it seems emails to purism are not going through. It bounced back to me.

“Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.
Unable to deliver message after multiple retries, giving up.”


Did you exactly used this address <> or did you use ?

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Are you asking if I included the angle brackets? No I did not (I did double check). That was just added in the return message as yahoo often will display an email address surrounded by angle brackets.

I sent the email to:

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OK, I thought so, but just wanted to be shure.

I have no explanation why your mail is getting bounced.
I have had contact with support just a few days ago.
Does the returned message contain some info why the mail was bounced?

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Might need an SMTP session log (with an actual SMTP error code for each attempt) to troubleshoot that further.

I just did a basic check of Purism’s SMTP server and it seems to be OK but I didn’t send an actual email. (Check covered: MX record lookup, corresponding A record lookup, TCP connect, STARTTLS succeeded - hence certificate OK, my sender address accepted, the above recipient address accepted.)

Can you send from something other than Yahoo?

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Works fine with Tuta at the moment.

I tried sending an email the next day and same bounce back. I sent one today and it successfully went through and I got a reply, not sure what the issue was.


And what was the text of that bounced email?

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The text was:

"How to I transfer my order to another person?

[Name Redacted]"

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Never mind… :no_mouth:

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The question meant: What did the bounce say? Not what did the original message say.

I asked the same question above. It’s going to be difficult to get to the bottom of mail messages bouncing without such information as: a log of the protocol session where the message is attempted to send to Purism and/or an actual SMTP error code and message for each attempt and/or any kind of message that indicates the reason that the mail message was bounced (rejected).