Sending SMS messages stopped working - how to debug?

I cannot send SMS messages any more with Chatty. This used to work find in the past.

I see this in the logging when sending an SMS message:

May 10 20:24:47 avalon mmsdtng[840]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:cb_dbus_signal_sms_added() Got new SMS
May 10 20:24:47 avalon mmsdtng[840]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:mmsd_check_pdu_type() This is not an SMS being received, do not care

Because I had to send an important message, I put the SIM-card back in my Android phone, where sending worked fine.
What could be wrong? How can I get more details on what goes wrong?
Edit: receiving SMS messages still works fine.

Don’t know if this helps you, but I get the same log lines when I send out a SMS which goes fine:

May 10 21:06:56 pureos mmsdtng[723]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:cb_dbus_signal_sms_added() Got new SMS
May 10 21:06:56 pureos mmsdtng[723]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:mmsd_check_pdu_type() This is not an SMS being received, do not care

and from a look into the sources it seems that mmsdtng sees this SMS on dbus and does not take care because it is outbound.

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I can send SMS and MMS but not receive SMS/MMS. This has been a great frustration for me and is the sole reason why I’m still on my iPhone instead of the L5. This has been going on for months. My L5 is completely up to date.

A terminal-based SMS step-by-step debugging checklist would appreciated. Going through support is too slow.

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Now I’m thinking of it, the issue of not being able to send SMS messages might have started after a modem firmware update that I did a while ago. But it might also be totally unrelated, it is just a hypothesis.

Another interesting observation is that there appears a little red cross after approximately 25 seconds next to the SMS messages. So, somehow the Chatty knows that something went wrong. But I do not know how to get any additional information, like an error message. In the logging is nothing else than the lines that I already posted in the first post of this thread.

Does it work when you force it to not use 4G and drop to 3G or 2G?

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For a correctly received SMS I see this lines in the yournalctl:

May 11 12:27:02 pureos mmsdtng[729]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:cb_dbus_signal_sms_added() Got new SMS
May 11 12:27:02 pureos mmsdtng[729]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:mmsd_process_sms() This is a regular SMS.

for an outbound it is only

May 11 17:08:09 pureos mmsdtng[729]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:cb_dbus_signal_sms_added() Got new SMS
May 11 17:08:09 pureos mmsdtng[729]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:mmsd_check_pdu_type() This is not an SMS being received, do not care
May 11 17:08:11 pureos mmsdtng[729]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:cb_dbus_signal_sms_added() Got new SMS
May 11 17:08:11 pureos mmsdtng[729]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:cb_dbus_signal_sms_added() Got new SMS
May 11 17:08:11 pureos mmsdtng[729]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:mmsd_check_pdu_type() This is not an SMS being received, do not care
May 11 17:08:11 pureos mmsdtng[729]: ../plugins/modemmanager.c:mmsd_check_pdu_type() This is not an SMS being received, do not care

May 11 17:08:56 pureos sm.puri.OSK0.desktop[1524]: Debug: Tried file "/home/purism/.local/share/squeekboard/keyboards/terminal/us.yaml", but it's missing: No such file or directory (os error 2)

Yes, this fixed the issue. Thanks! Is this a known issue? Is there a fix in the making?
Please let me know if I can do any further testing that could be of use.

This suggests that the issue is VoLTE/IMS related. Perhaps some incompatibility with your particular carrier. Hard to tell more, as it all happens within the modem.