Set network to 4G only -> no dialing works

I’m in Havana, Cuba, with a SIM of the local provider Cubacel. Phone calls and data mobile works fine. I’ve to buy in advance mobile data packages for LTE (2.5 GByte for one USD). Sometime the modem connects only with G3, while LTE is G4, and then mobile data stops working. Thats why I tried to configure in the Network tab 4G only which solves this problem. But, I detected that then I can’t to any phone call anymore. It says in /var/log/syslog:

Dec  7 21:53:11 pureos ModemManager[709]: <info>  [modem0/call6] user request to start call
Dec  7 21:53:11 pureos ModemManager[709]: <info>  [modem0/call6] call state changed: unknown -> dialing (outgoing-started)
Dec  7 21:53:11 pureos ModemManager[709]: <warn>  [modem0/call6] couldn't start call: Couldn't create call: QMI protocol error (13): 'NoNetworkFound'
Dec  7 21:53:11 pureos ModemManager[709]: <info>  [modem0/call6] call state changed: dialing -> terminated (unknown)
Dec  7 21:53:11 pureos gnome-calls[1565]: Error starting outgoing call MM call '/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Call/6': GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.libqmi.Error.Protocol.NoNetworkFound: Couldn't create call: QMI protocol error (13): 'NoNetworkFound' (domain: g-io-error-quark [36])

Why is this?

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Because su VoLTE_BLOB o Frecuency no es soportado in Cuba entonces la option mixta-de-bandas es su best option to fallback.