Setting up LIbrem 13 v 3 again after rolling release ISO is available

After the availabilty of the rolling release ISO I want to setup my librem 13 v 3 completly new. As the documentation is incomplete at this point, I have to aks here.

  1. Do should I update Coreboot at first should I wait until I have reinstalled PureOs?
  2. I want to start using my Librem Key. At what point should I insert it? Before updating Coreboot or after?
    Before reinstalling PureOS or after?


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As I wrote in a post, which did get any answer, i want to set up my librem13v3 completely new and start using my librem key. Unfortionately I did not find any information on the pure os webside.

@MrChromebox I believe has shared the most information on coreboot + Librem key. It may be worth looking through his posts to see if one sheds the light you seek?

I apologize for not seeing this until now.

You can update PureOS first if you like, then update coreboot. The two things (BIOS and OS) are independent of each other to a large degree. Coreboot as the BIOS mostly just passes control to the OS (PureOS).

Note that we now have Pureboot which includes HEADS in beta, so you may want to consider that. Either way, you want to read carefully the instructions;

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Never mind. I will read the instructions and try to use pureboot.

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