[Squeekboard] Ancient Greek layout : diacritics problem

Great. That helped a lot. It is so picky with the text :roll_eyes:
I fixed it. I will review a few issues before I try to submit.

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OK, polytonic Greek is ready. It may not be optimal but it works correctly. If in the future someone uses it regularly s/he may suggest improvements in the layout. Currently it covers the whole Extended Greek Unicode block. It would be better if we could choose the buttons’ font to have the characters more legible (with a smaller xheight font) but … anyway… if this capability arises in the future we can use it.

So @dcz how do I submit?

I hope that you know how to use gitlab https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/squeekboard if not, basically, create an account, fork the project add the keyboard and send a merge request.

By the time being you could paste it here, it may be useful for someone.

I have never done it but I will try to follow the steps you wrote.

But how does squeekboard knows that the file gr-polytonic.yaml is the Greek polytonic variant?
I guess you have to add it to some configuration. Right?

I need some help. What do I choose here:

What is the correct source branch?

Source branch is the one created by you, you can named like gr-polytonic, squeekboard uses the keyboard depending on the gnome language settings, I’m not sure how you should name it to be able to use it, I can’t test it now, maybe name it like the standard greek to make tests first.

The tutorial describes all preparations: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/squeekboard/-/blob/master/doc/tutorial.md

This is a tutorial I found that might be helpful: https://mindmajix.com/gitlab-tutorial

I did something but most probably I failed. This is too complicated for me.

You opened a merge request successfully, but it doesn’t have any changes in it. Do you know how to add changes to git?

If not, you can send a raw patch using your preferred method. For example, to our mailing list: librem-5-dev@lists.community.puri.sm

I am really sorry. I did upload the file gr+polytonic.yaml but I do not understand what I did wrong. I will ask someone here to explain to me. In the meantime I will send an email to the above address. Sorry for that. I know Greek but not git :grinning:

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