Starting "Chats" App takes very long

Starting the “Chats” app on my Librem 5 (Evergreen version; PureOS 10.3) takes ca. 38 seconds, longer than any other app. Is this normal behaviour? It’s none of a big problem to me, but nevertheless a bit annoying.

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No, not normal. For me opening Chats takes about 5 seconds which is still annoyingly slow but not nearly as bad as what you are describing.

If you have setup a matrix account in Chats they you can try disabling that to see if it makes any difference. There have been such issues before, where it was doing something related to matrix that took a very long time, things that should have been in a background thread but apparently ended up in the main thread.

If you feel like digging into it, you can build from source with debug symbols, then start chatty through gdb from the commandline and do some primitive “random pausing” or “stack sampling” whatever it’s called: just break while it is initializing and see where in the code it spends its time.


Thanks for your reply. I have indeed set up a matrix account in “Chats/chatty”, but disabling it makes no difference, it still takes 30 to 40 seconds to start up.

Unfortunately I’m not a Linux geek, so building an app from source with debug symbols is beyond my possibilities.

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No, mine takes half a second, but my security practices may directly be affecting that: I delete conversations out of precaution and reflash my Librem 5 USA semi-frequently.

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About 2 seconds for me. Reflashed as a one-off (upgrade from amber to byzantium) about 3 months ago. Conversations kept tidy.