Status of Suspend for Librem 5

This is basically a proceed at your own risk sign. But one I completely understand.

I really respect the clean and professional way the Librem 5 repos have been maintained. It is in stark contrast to other efforts in similar veins. But providing support and curating those repos to be that kind of rock steady takes a lot of work. It is completely understandable that Purism does not have the manpower to go tending to people who wander off the reservation (in that sense), even if they encourage it.


Besides setting up a test, is there any other way to detect that an update or support call is needed?

@dos, can’t a download link and the description of the procedure not been published here in the forum (as it is for the update of u–boot)?

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I just installed the latest updates today which included new kernel images.

Question 1 - Did any of the wake from suspend features make it into the kernel? If so which ones?

Question 2 - Are there other wake / suspend related features waiting to be deployed? If so, is there a roadmap for such features?


I also installed right now the new kernel linux-image-6.1.0-1-librem5, configured suspend and let the phone goto sleep. I called myself from another mobile phone, let it ring until the operator’s voice said “The person you are calling does not answer. Please try again later”.

A short press on the power button let it come back to live and there is no indication of the missed call.

Thanks for the test. Hopefully devs can jump in here, really curious about the state of these updates.

Fast modem call wake up from suspend.

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Thank you kindly.

Stay purism, Stay @dos :wink:

Waking from suspend has been working for months now. There are additional updates coming soon that let the communication with modem resume instantly after being woken up (so far it could take a very long time or even fail), but suspend itself has been working for a while. Older devices may need additional modem firmware updates to make it reliably wake up on incoming calls and SMS, see:


The procedure is not published, but it’s available for users by contacting the support team. This may change in the future, but I can’t make any promises (not my area anyway).


Thanks. I contacted support@ some hours ago already.

So did I. Let’s hope they will come back with instructions soon.

Amazing. This is great, keep on doing great work guys. Very much appreciated.


Not sure if this a stupid question but I didn’t notice it suggested… if there’s a hardware (wifi card?) issue potentially is there a reason he can’t just try swapping the two cards to see if that makes a difference? Assuming a firmware update doesn’t help…

In theory, no. In practice, shortening the life of his device by messing with the fiddly antennae - and the general hassle of extracting and inserting a WiFi card.

If it is really claimed that the WiFi card somehow influences the ability to wake on incoming call and it is desired to investigate that, removing the WiFi card from the primary Librem 5 would be less fiddly than swapping the WiFi cards. After all, the mobile modem should work properly whether or not you even have WiFi.


I have been considering to swap the two modem cards, but I want to wait until support gives me instructions on how to upgrade the modem firmware. I hope that will not take too long. As @irvinewade says, the prospects of fiddling again with the cards and antenna cables are not tempting.

The one thing that indicates that this is not a Wifi card problem, although I changed it to Sparclan in my primary phone, is that I don’t recall my phone waking up on incoming calls before that either.

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Ah, well, that’s different again. I actually wrote “WiFi” and that’s what I meant - but I may have misinterpreted what @muon meant. Even so, swapping modem cards could also make sense - but for the fiddly nature of doing so.

No need to swap, it’s known that old firmware is unreliable in this regard - it drives the wake pin too weakly, so the SoC may not notice that it needs to wake up.


With the help of the support I have made the update. Wakeup from sms and call go now without problems