Status of Suspend for Librem 5

To be honest, I don’t know. I can’ t remember installing it (Is my memory playing tricks with me?).
I just noticed the app after flashing the modem.

After the modem firmware update, it seems my modem is crashing more frequently than before. I have yet to see a pattern in this behaviour, but may be related to the 5 min automatic suspend I am running now.

What does this mean, how you know that it has crashed?

Cellular indicators are gone and Calls have no contact with modem. It usually comes back after flipping HW kill switch or by running this command to reset it:

echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/wwan_en/brightness; sleep 5; echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/wwan_en/brightness

It is not happening all the time, but I have noticed that after idling for a while those indicators are sometimes gone. Has happened maybe 5 times a day since firmware upgrade.

What I don’t understand, is why my phone - which was delivered in February of this year - still has firmware from 2021, instead of the 2022 version which appears to be required for suspend to work as it should. I would expect it to be ‘standard procedure’ to update all firmware to the latest edition.


A consequence of the fact that the modem is a modular component? That is, the firmware we are talking about here is not on the phone itself, it’s on the modem. And, yes, it doesn’t work the same with the WiFi card, which is likewise modular i.e. there is an inconsistency of behaviour between the two M.2 cards.

I really would like that as well. I would like to see it detailing more information about the firmware, including which versions work, and which ones not, and why, and the update process as well (maybe this could be done in a separate blog post).

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Maybe the right time for more information is when the changes that @dos mentioned have been rolled out:

My modem firmware is older than 2022-09-26, but as I’m not using my Librem5 as a daily driver yet I’ll wait for the relevant software updates and see how the phone behaves. I’ll look into updating the modem firmware after that. (I understand why other people want to move more quickly, though :wink: )


I think it installed as part of Librem 5-goodies, which apparently has been split into separately installable apps now.

Mine is the 20190510 version. (Although the current SIM in my L5 isn’t VoLTE-capable anyway, so no matter yet.)


Another nice effect of the working suspend is that my L5 in my backpack is now cold. Very nice.


I don’t use suspend, but mine is still very cool. At the moment it is charging, at 35 degrees Celsius! But I’ve seen it idling at around 31, 32 degrees.

With the great help of Purism support I upgraded the firmware to:


Calls wake the Librem 5 now up from suspend. :tada:

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Did it do anything for your VoLTE as well perhaps?

For volte at Telekom Germany it did not help.

I did the upgrade as well. Will check tomorrow what the results are.

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Bad news, that.

Over here in the Netherlands, on T-mobile, it appears to have worked.
I just called the speaking clock, and the bm818tool said it went over LTE.

Without wanting to sound overly optimistic: that would be very good news!

Guess I will give suspend yet another go, then…


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test whether internet is still available during the phone call.

Ah, yes. Good one. Will do.

Meanwhile: had my L5 on suspend last night. This morning after waking up (me as well as the phone), I had to re-cycle the modem to get it to work.
Nice to have updated firmware. But no cigar for the suspend mode just yet.

The good news is that I can still load webpages during a phone call. VoLTE seems to be working, alright.
That is one major hurdle taken, I would say.