Strong interest in Librem 5

What Purism is doing with the phones and laptops is absolutely outstanding, and very much needed. A couple of the must have apps I would need available on the phone are Zello and What’s App. Is it possible to run these apps on the Librem 5 at this time?


Maybe, who knows.
There is an unofficial Whatsapp client for Linux:

But generally don’t expect too much closed source apps and messengers on it.


The project has been dropped by the developer due to copyright issues (see further down at the page you send). My WhatsApp account has been blocked permanently because of using a xmpp bridge connector ( I don’t care much). It seems like wa don’t want anyone to use a client that wasn’t built by wa.


That is actually the case for many proprietary services. It’s also one of many reasons to try to rely less on them :wink:

Btw, there are lots of existing threads on android apps on the L5 and all the various chat messengers and their pro’s n cons, in case you didn’t search for them yet.

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They are closed for a reason. “Free” services are not free to run. You pay for the product or you are the product. Cheers!


Typical proprietary lock-in techniques. They want to keep us dependent on them so that they can more easily control us. They fight against our freedom. I do not want to use a service that is being used as a weapon against my freedom. I got WhatsApp on my Android since Android is a lost cause anyway but I probably won’t try to get it on my Librem 5 so once I get my Librem 5 I will not be able to be contacted through a non-libre IM.

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Third alternative: you use products that are decentralized, federated, distributed, etc, where the cost for each individual/organization is much smaller, and that can communicate together…

e.g. I run my own XMPP server, minimal costs for myself and can communicate with anyone else who has a federated XMPP server. Nobody is being exploited, people are free to pay or not for the service, etc, all depending on where they sign up/what they want to run/who they trust.