Successful multi-boot OS X/macOS (hackintosh) on Purism hardware?

I was able to run snow leapord or lion on Windows 7 via a Virtualbox VM a while back, so seeing that it can be installed and booted natively on the librem hardware, makes me think running it in a VM with PureOS as the host would be a bit easier and allow you to maintain the awesome that is PureOS.

This seemed to need some pretty specific hardware software, so I’m curious if anyone has tried this? If it works, I’ll be ditching my one piece of apple hardware in the house.

I know this is probably too late, but since I didn’t see any alternatives suggested:


I’ve tried running SolidWorks in WINE before with pretty bad results. A VM (or as was accomplished later in this thread, a Hackintosh) is definitely the way to go for CAD if you absolutely have to use programs for Windows/Mac.

@MrChromebox @jackwa

the part I am getting stuck on is how to get even to step 1 of booting from Mojave. “It’s trivial to build a coreboot/Tianocore image for the Librem laptops” I can’t find any instructions on how to do this.

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you don’t have to, I now offer one for all Purism Librem laptops, via my ChromeOS Firmware Utility Script (which I may need to rename now that I’m supporting more than just ChromeOS devices)

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Thank you for continuing to help me out here :raised_hands:

A few roadblocks I am encountering:

  1. I tried running the script you linked to above and got an error that I needed to run with iomem = relaxed.

  2. I cannot figure out how to either boot into the Grub menu (holding down shift doesn’t do a thing) nor edit the grub menu in PureOS once booted.

These seem like n00b questions and I swear I’ve put at least 2 hours into figuring this out but so far, no dice.

A little more information from a thread MrChromebox helped me with:

Just do a search on DDG for adding iomem=relaxed to grub kernel arguments and you’ll find out how to do that. Really easy, but like most things with Linux, just need to do a quick search first.

either press tab/ESC after ‘Booting From Hard Disk’ to bring up the grub menu and edit the command line before booting, or edit (as sudo) /etc/default/grub and add to end of command line params, save, and run (as sudo) update-grub


I got it to work and ran the script, now it won’t boot from my bootstick. I am remaking it according to the instructions on the Apple website:

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well no, there’s lots of workarounds needed for making a Hackintosh setup work (and lots of resources for doing so as well). You can’t just boot the installer and install like a normal OS

Got it, thank you for clarifying. Will go spelunking and see what I find :smiley:

For those playing the home game, I am going to run through this sucker cover to cover and see what happens:


In case it is not obvious to all

is a one-off change,


is a permanent (until explicitly and manually reversed) change.

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I would also like to switch to Purism Librem but I am absolutely dependent on the Adobe Creative Suite programs for my work. They run best on Mac and I still have a struggle with them at times not working. I know you can hack and run Adobe on Linux (even though Adobe does not support this), but I’m afraid it will ruin my professional life. A solution for me could be to run a bootable Mac OS so Adobe will still (mostly) behave. Do a lot of graphic design, video editing, photo manipulation for my work. Any thoughts?

if you are not experienced with dual-boot, uefi/non-uefi, preparing bootable media yourself and in general familiar with the gnu/linux environment i would suggest getting a Virtual Machine setup to learn and test or get a second hardware device to boot off of. don’t do ANYTHING permanent until you are sure that you can afford a switch … if you do anything permanent too soon you will regret it and be in a LOT of pain …

this is a community forum and we are here but we don’t recommend CHANGE if you can’t afford it …

change is always expensive and waiting can sometimes be beneficial if it’s not postponed forever … that means the magnifying glass in the top-right corner is your friend … homework first, change-later …

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so you change things in the bios? so more closed code in it and not possible with pureBoot? only Coreboot?

I am completely new to Linux. I have been messing around with TAILS and Ubuntu on my Mac (booted from USB stick) and am currently learning to build a private server or hook into a VPS with Linux. The Librems caught my eye as I have been thinking of going to Linux for the abundant open source software, better privacy protections, and full control of one’s own system. Problem? I work in the creative field and damn it. I need those programs that play nice with Mac. Adobe. AhhhhhhhhdooooooBE. Anyone’s advice or thoughts is appreciated.

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see >

This will be my first Hackintosh… save me some time & frustration. ;). Is there a step-by-step guide you used to get this far?

Sebaseba, were you able to get it to work?

Hey how did u get audio and wifi working.
I injected kexts but still wont work.