[Suggestion] Walkie-talkie Based Messaging Service Via Walkie-talkie Node/Switch/Router Pager Devices

I tried a bit on Librem AweSIM service, it’s pretty good service. While I cannot prove its privacy measures, I am glad that I can help compensate Purism for its startup development. I admit that I viewed PureOS as a Debian-based GNU/Linux OS, since Debian is a established Linux OS. It was later that I got interested in tinkering with smartphones, software-wise (hardware/firmware-wise have to be later). That’s when I got my Librem 5 USA, options and all. After all, you’re talking about tinkering, you may come around for other features.

There comes a time when costs and needs will influence the priority of secure/private cellular services. Not to mention that outages can play a role in its productivity. Surveillance cellular service providers with encryption, anti-tracking, and fraud alert workaround methods is an option with its own costs. Then there are walkie-talkie methods, which isn’t really a service because of its DIY nature.

It’s Been a Good Run, Phone Providers (Part 2)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YE1T3XuOpow (suggest to use invidious.io front end first)
MuziWorks R1 is the product in question

With walkie-talkie devices, or should I say walkie-talkie pagers, a two (or even multiple) way node/switch/router communication transmission is possible. A pager restricted to its peer client will retain some form of anonymity unless the security of the involved devices are in jeopardy. It is possible to make multiple way messaging, but it will require more effort in setup and installation. In terms of MuziWorks R1, its communication technology may not be up to GNU/Linux standards. Same can be said for Android smartphone OS.

This service could be useful for rural areas or outages. Purism can research and test walkie-talkie technologies before it can endorse third party products/services or start in-house development. Two way radios do not have to be in the form of pagers (which houses radio hardware/firmware/software). They can be in the form of smartphone embedded hardware/firmware/software. Of course, supporting hardware/firmware exists due to the use of radio signals, software can developed to safely utilize the available tools. Linking the radio transmission sending and receiving ends would be a different story. In addition, responsibility and security of these pagers and similar instances needs to be addressed before significant damage is done.