`systemctl daemon-reload --user` fails with undefined $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS and $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR?

Hi Folks,
I’ve been following the instructions on GNOME DAV Support Shim to get my contacts, calendar etc working and seem to have hit a brick will with the install script:

$ systemctl --user enable gnome-dav-support
Failed to connect to bus: $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS and $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not defined (consider using --machine=<user>@.host --user to connect to bus of other user)

That’s replicated by the (I would have thought) standard systemd user cammand:

$ systemctl daemon-reload --user
Failed to connect to bus: $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS and $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not defined (consider using --machine=<user>@.host --user to connect to bus of other user)

From what I’ve been able to gather, these variables look like they should have been set up with the initial call of phosh by systemd - but, might also be set in any number of standard login scripts, I guess.

Can anyone shed any light why these variables are not set, where they should be set and what they should be set to?
Many thanks

It seems
But, setting these manually can’t be the answer…