Tear down L5 to swap the display

I have a link from Purism to do a display swap in

I can’t find the instruction/video for disassembling the L5 until it only contains the display to replace. Can someone help me please? And can we put this into the Wiki please.

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Relevant timestamp is 2:14.


I guess it should actually go in the official Purism documentation. “Anyone” can put it in the Community Wiki.

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Random thought: I tried to disassemble a Librem 5 without reading the instructions for fun one time, and in the process of doing so I damaged the connectors at the ends of those wires that attach to the modem/wifi cards. They seem to be a little fragile, but they also cling tightly to the cards, so you want to be careful about how you disconnect them from the card.

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Can you please specify what exactly happened, what broke. The wire, the connector of the wire or the one of the card? Do you have a photo?

I do not plan to do the swap myself. I’m in contact with a local mobile repair shop, specialized on repair (swap displays) on iPhone. Ofc, they have never seen a L5 nor have the display on stock, but they have the experts and tools. If we can work this out with success, maybe this could give a L5 repair point in Germany or EU.

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Already exists:

Librem 5 Disassembly - Purism - Librem products documentation

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But, this page only contains the video and not the text of David Hamner and the photos.

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Purism does have a repair point in Siegen.

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I know FLOSS-shop (https://www.floss-shop.de/) for many years and bought things in this shop. I was in contact with it’s CEO, already since months, until now without positive result.

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Aren’t they willing to replace a defect screen or aren’t they allowed to do the replacement?

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I have an arrangement with that repair shop and ordered the display. If all went well, I will publish the details here and we can put this also into the Wiki as a local EU/Germany repair address.


Here is a picture that I created in GIMP based on my memory. I can try to get a device picture later but I ordered a new broadmobi modem from the Purism site and used a small piece of metal (iirc the small poker we usually use to remove SIM card, because I had it on hand) to rip the old piece of the old modem out of the Librem 5’s connector where it had ripped off into the wire connector and become stuck. Then, I was able to attach the original Librem 5 cable to the new replacement modem and have things working again.

Here I took a L5 camera pic of the defunct modem in the bag I was storing it in. I guess I should throw it out, but you can see two metal rings on the right but on the left where there should be a third one, it’s gone now.

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