Terrible performance running i386 architecture in Gnome Boxes

I installed the i386 port of OpenBSD 7.5 into a Gnome Boxes VM using the latest template available, OpenBSD 7.0.

The performance is terrible. It takes 14 minutes to boot to the login prompt. For comparison, I installed the amd64 version of OpenBSD into another Gnome Boxes VM using the same OpenBSD 7.0 template. After the install completed, the first reboot reached the login prompt in 30 seconds.

Can anyone shed some light on why i386 performance is so abysmal in Gnome Boxes?

I’m running PureOS 11 on a Librem Mini with 32GB RAM.

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32Bits only permited 4GiBs for volatil memory cells.

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The openbsd 7.5 virtual machine only uses 60M of RAM on a basic console only install, so it’s not a memory constraint issue.

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Seems weird then.
Debugging to see what going on.

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Agreed. Please let me know if you are able to reproduce the issue.

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