The graphical battery icon does not match the remaining power

I want to have both (icon and nn% value) on the lock screen as well.

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Follow follow up: Normally I have my laptop docked but it never occurred to me that my laptop had weird power levels too. Because it doesn’t. Gnome shell as far as I can tell uses the icons @fralb5 mentioned…

Maybe worth asking phosh if they’d be interested in that.

Could you please help me again, where exactly I have to set this. I can’r find it anymore :frowning:

Huh, I think it might have disappeared when we disabled suspend.

Anyway, this should still work to set it manually:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface show-battery-percentage true

Thanks. But, you should enable suspend :slight_smile:

We will, when the time is right :wink:

Cool. I added this to the wiki:

For the record, of course I didn’t remember that and just used dconf-editor to navigate through the keys and find the relevant one :wink:

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That looks like this one (perhaps?):

Yes, this would be nice indeed.

This was a while ago (and I haven’t re-read this thread), but I think this thread is in reference to the battery icon on the phone.

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On this matter, the icon will change every 10% step in the next version of phosh (0.22.0) :heart_eyes: