My thoughts:
Feedback welcome.
Wow what an extensive and thoughtful post. Thank you for writing it. I agree that our approach is rooted in a long-term view of what’s good for the whole Linux ecosystem, not just the mobile ecosystem. This will become more apparent as time goes on and developers make their existing Linux desktop applications adaptive, instead of having to port them to a new mobile platform. Maintaining a “desktop” and “mobile” version of an app, much less maintaining multiple mobile versions for different platforms, is a lot to ask of developers.
When people ask us “how many apps does Librem 5 have?” I sometimes answer that we already have thousands but most of them just don’t fit yet, at least on the default, unscaled phone screen. The real power of this approach will also start to become more apparent once we complete DisplayPort support and you start to see the Librem 5 operate in desktop/laptop mode.
We do not create a walled garden, instead we tear down these walls, creating an open utopia. A fully standards-based freedom-oriented system, based on Debian and many other upstream projects, has never been done before–we will be the first to seriously attempt this.
considering that most open-source / free-software DEVELOPERS are PATRONED from the USA and thus abide by US LAW you could say perfectly well that it is “a walled garden with THICK walls but which ALSO has SOME doorways for coming and going unlike the OTHER 100% proprietary ecosystems”
that’s how i perceive it anyway … i’m not talking about the auditability of free-software here … i’m talking about the hackers who CAN hack for a living …
Yes, therefore is worth to remind that there are first steps already made on how “To adjust screen resolution” for some (statistics irrelevant here) of those still “overweight” apps, but anyway need to have it right away → (with link to link/source): “When you finish, you will have a touch-capable app you can use to adjust resolution any time, useful when switching between various apps. Unlike other solutions, this works across reboots.” Thanks!
Yes, I wrote a simple application myself with a few lines of bash using yad:
We also have a proof-of-concept that just isn’t on by default for Phosh/Phoc that autoscales apps based on whatever scale they need.
Excellent article! Should have been published.
I created a poll on the PinePhone forum to ask people which interface they were using. Not many people have voted so far, but Phosh appears to be the favorite interface on the PinePhone:
I just wanted to let the Phosh devs know that your work is bearing fruit.
I predicted in my article that Phosh would become the principal mobile Linux interface, and this is a good indication that it is already happening sooner than I thought it would.
I hope I’ll find time soon to install openSUSE image with this PHOSH contributions. Thanks, @amosbatto for this Thread!
EDIT: “For Debian Testing run the following:”.