Thinking of getting Librem 11, what battery optimization strategies could I use?

I’m interested in the Librem 11 but am concerned about the 2-3 hour battery life.

Could anyone please indicate strategies I could use to optimize and extend the battery duration to more that 3h? Any settings, apps, packages, strategies that could be used?

Thank you

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Whenever they’re back in stock and I can order one, I’ll let you know my strategies.

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There are several Techniques to reduce the energy doses. Sure.

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You can use suspend, or turn off the device when not in use.

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Thank you. Do you have any tips right now?

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Would you please give more detail?

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Thank you. Do you know of any tweaks that can be done on the command line by any chance?

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No, I do not own a Librem 11.

Enable Suspend to Ram.
Enable WLAN 2.4G only
Enable Hardware Acceleration on Firefox, by default comes disabled.
Enable Gnu Crimson
Enable ASL if so, if not Enable White theme to reduce monitor Light
Disable Flatpak
Disable Snap
Disable Waydroid

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Wanted to bump this again to see what battery life Librem 11 owners are observing and what strategies helped after a few more months of ownership. Anything noted? Thanks

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I’m using the “IDUIA” strategy, better known as “I don’t use it anymore.”

What does this mean? My L11 sits unused on my desk.

Why? Because as a low-powered, Linux based devices, it isn’t worth the grief and aggravation, and sadly, I regret dropping the $1K I did on the device.

Battery power with normal web browsing (Firefox) and video watching (Freetube) MIGHT get you an hour or MAYBE 90 minutes tops using the “Balanced” or “Battery Saver” power profiles. Other than that, you better keep the device tethered to a power source. Obviously as a portable device, this significantly impacts the ability for it to actually be portable, or ideal for travelling anywhere longer than that. Unless you’re near good power where you could potentially plug this device into a wall where it can get its very specific power needs (any old USB port unfortunately won’t power this devices as you could with any Android or Apple based device), this isn’t a truly portable tablet computer unless you plan to return it to direct power very soon.

The touch experience overall in a Linux DE like Gnome is satisfactory at best, with the optimal experience still ideally needing a hardware-based keyboard. Why not any software-based keyboard? Mostly its due to the 10.1" screen and the amount of real estate these keyboards consume on the default desktop resolution, making UX cumbersome and frustrating without a mouse and keyboard. In addition I’ve found, after 6+ months of ownership, the gravity-dependent contacts on the L1 keyboard to be flakey and constantly require seating/re-seating to maintain a stable and reliable connection to make the hardware-based keyboard useful. This is only from normal “wear and tear” from keeping it at home and docking and undocking it as I carry it around the house.

I’m considering slimming down the build and DE so that the L11 will function strictly as an ebook reader, which might improve battery power duration while obviously also significantly limiting its usefulness to me, but I haven’t pulled that trigger yet either.

Would I recommend you give Purism $1K for this device? Absolutely not. This is not the privacy-centric, mature and stable device and UX you’re looking for. Give the industry another few years for that i’d say. Purism missed the mark with this one.


Yes, L11 it is a big shame for Purism and damages the reputation of Purism. Things like this put at Purism at the same level of Pine64.
I never never buy it anything from Pine64. I did on Pinephone and i was so disappointed forever… Pine64 are scammer, ATM they are now missing from what they did to the community.

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The basics:

  • Set the display brightness to a lower level when on battery power.
  • Reduce the interval of inactivity that triggers the screensaver.
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One more:

  • Connect a USB power bank at all times, similar to the Librem 5.

Probably bad for the L11’s battery, though, right?

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Probably the only method to salvage a long-term usable experience, based on what @seedoubleyou described above.