Thinking of getting Librem 11, what battery optimization strategies could I use?

I’m interested in the Librem 11 but am concerned about the 2-3 hour battery life.

Could anyone please indicate strategies I could use to optimize and extend the battery duration to more that 3h? Any settings, apps, packages, strategies that could be used?

Thank you

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Whenever they’re back in stock and I can order one, I’ll let you know my strategies.

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There are several Techniques to reduce the energy doses. Sure.

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You can use suspend, or turn off the device when not in use.

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Thank you. Do you have any tips right now?

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Would you please give more detail?

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Thank you. Do you know of any tweaks that can be done on the command line by any chance?

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No, I do not own a Librem 11.

Enable Suspend to Ram.
Enable WLAN 2.4G only
Enable Hardware Acceleration on Firefox, by default comes disabled.
Enable Gnu Crimson
Enable ASL if so, if not Enable White theme to reduce monitor Light
Disable Flatpak
Disable Snap
Disable Waydroid

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