TOR browser issues

I find that with Tor, I run into too many sites that’ll tell me there has been a lot of unusual activity from the ISP I’m on at the time and makes jump through the Google find the fire hydrant garbage 9 times, then it “checking if you are human” then there’s the timeout.

I have also bumped in to one site that said I was trying to access to many times, and err’s out.

Do you ever get that even occasionally?



That browsing experience is normal and expected due to other Tor Browser users using the same exit node to access the website. Server-side, it appears that multiple clients from the same IP address are attempting to connect to it, so rate-limiting measures are used to challenge them. One workaround is to generate a new Tor circuit until you use a relatively unused exit node that is not experiencing CAPTCHA challenges for that particular website.

See also:

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I think this could be explained by the fact that all Tor nodes are known (except for bridges) and therefore many sites have a clue that you are on the Tor network (but they would have no clue that you are specifically using TBB) and flag you for more scrutinity, in other words: Captcha!
I only rarely run into this problem because I use the Tor Browser in a slightly different way: instead of connecting via onions, I configured it to connect to the regular clearnet and I use a VPN instead, with the same result as if I were using the onion routers but the exit server not being a Tor node I pass for “regular” and unsuspicious traffic although I am using the same Tor Browser as you.
It is very easy to configure TBB for accessing the clearnet and I can explain if you are interested.
But in doing so, you have to be confident that you use the very best VPN provider, so as not to decrease the privacy and anonymity provided by the Tor network, this is the key point! So you want to pay, because you want the very best. You want it to be, as a minimum, no-log externally audited, based in a privacy-friendly jurisdiction, and with a very good reputation.


I’ve yet to hunt and peck for a new VPN. And I appreciate the offer, but perhaps move it to the Privet Mail so as not to bloat Puri with unrelated ‘How To.’ Or I can give you my email and work through that. Up to you.

No rush, when you have the time. I am waiting for my ISP tech to come and explain why I’m paying for 1Gbps and getting only half - if that. Then I’m bridging to change my DNS server to one that doesn’t follow me around.
Of note is that we use to be able to set our choice of DNS, but the most recent upgrade to a newer modem doesn’t have that feature. ISP wants us to dload their app in order to do that. No telling what the ‘app’ does.