Tracking and net neutrality in Canada

Could the L5 spoof branding like web browsers can report a different user agent to get better carrier treatment?


Some Canadian telecommunication carriers, such as Freedom Mobile, permit assigning any device to your account, but there is no obvious technical benefit to doing so as net neutrality is not an issue in Canada.

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Mobile network providers automatically capture the IMEI of every device that connects to their network. From the IMEI they can determine the manufacturer and model of the device. See: International Mobile Equipment Identity - Wikipedia


There is a election coming in Canada, and that means it’s a great time to ask for government funding (AKA taxpayer money) for projects as well as to press for certain changes. One request could be net neutrality if only we had enough time.


As you quoted, net neutrality is not an issue in Canada.

IMO there is a issue. Telus started by censoring when it blocked its subscribers access to Voices for Change, which was a community website run by and for Telecommunications Workers Union members.
I know it’s old news, but if there are no regulations forcing net neutrality, well there are other complaints about throttling and queuing - still.

I’m jut saying, that ‘There outta be a law.’

I forgot to mention this:
“Telus decided to start selling online pornography after tracking a significant portion of customers who were already using their phones to find adult material.

“tracking” customers :interrobang: :astonished:

Again, there outta be a law.

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