2 - On the Trouble Shooting page, 3rd blue link down on right side click on the
[LED Indicator Colors] link to trouble-shoot red light blinking.
3 - Now you’re at the “LED Indicator Colors” page. Scroll down to and click on blue link that says “See below”
Red (flashing) There is a problem with charging. See below for advice.
OK, I got it the 1st, & 2nd time.
I did manage to figure out its a merry-go-round and jumped off.
I already addressed the L5 coffee warmer before. I won’t charge it when I am asleep because it is simply too hot when charging. So is the Hoyoki.
When I use the web browser for 1-2 hours the phone gets hot. Most of the times I get a short red led flashing, 10 seconds apart. Dmesg shows an error with each blink. I’m guessing that it has something to do with the battery charger (something not being able to read some state). Suspending and charging doesn’t fix it. The blinking and the dmesg error goes away when the temperature drops. I haven’t seen any other problems during this blinking.
bq25890-charger … NTC state UNKNOWN
bq25890-charger … NTC state normal
Right, but just to be clear, the phone is not connected to a USB charger (when this happens). Probably this is a charging chip between battery and internal components (eg. CPU), not between USB and battery.
Phone just does not charge when blinking and may slow down CPU to get not warmer. Suspend helps to cool down faster. But there is no issue at all. You can fully ignore it as long as you don’t want to charge phone.
It blinks when charging. And at times, I must charge the phone and when I do, the light blinks. So is that when I get do hold of Puri? This doesn’t make sense.
I should more clear. Owing to a psychotic touch-screen, I rarely remove the L5 from the Hoyoki.
When I do take it off and go any where, I put it back to dock and it starts charging, then gets very hot and blinking, and it doesn’t stop until I unplug it from original adapter. If I wait till it cools down, sure. It stops until it gets hot again, which isn’t long.
I’ve hooked up a old desktop fan to a heatsink. L5 sits front side down on a small plastic grid with fan/heatsink on it’s back. See what happens.
I hope someone will fix the error in the Docs so as not to waste anyone else’s time.
Is the air hot where you live? Sounds like it has a problem with passive cooling (cooler air, better passive cooling). Or is your phone all the time very active with calculation intensive tasks? I usually charge and put phone into suspend, so it only has to cool the little charging warmth that is far from too much - at least for me.
With active cooling it would be better to have it front side up, because the head comes through sides and touchscreen, not through plastic on backside.
My L5 always gets hot when connected to my USB dock/hub, but almost none when connected to the power line only/directly with the original charger. The only time it got hot was when I had a program using a high percent of CPU (use the Usage program to check this case).
I think you need some solution for Cooling. Yes Purism love the Docking Mode and it is nice to have. However you have to cool the Phone down if its got (too) hot.
Just watch the Stats and have your private secure line. I am not sure if you can use Docking-Mode without Charging, for example and maybe it will good to have a software or Hardware control Mechanism for this.
Try to ask the support if the phone will stop or set of or delay some charging if its got to hot.
For my Point of view, this red blinking light is just an information from the phone to humans, which signal: “I got too hot, take a Look at my temperatures.”.
You need cool air or some heat sink like a -20 degree Celsius cold pack to cool down the air between your phone and minimize the risk of condensation water.
I had that red light ones, watching a HD Movie on the Phone in my Garden at 31 degree Celsius for some minutes. And Placed the phone later in the Cellar to charge some power.
There are several kinds of red LED blinking that may be caused by BQ25895. The most usual one if half-second blink every second while connected to external power, which means “problem with charging”. Usually the “problem” is just the battery getting too warm and it solves itself once it cools down; however, it may also signalize other problems (problem with battery, battery missing, etc.)
The thing mentioned in this thread was about very short blinks every about 10 seconds or so. This means that BQ25895 itself got warm, which is normal after prolonged intensive usage, exactly as mentioned in the initial post.
Other kinds of red LED blinking or blinking happening in other situations than mentioned above is not normal and if it prevents you from being able to charge the phone you should contact support.
Let’s not get so extreme In my experience, even just putting a small USB fan nearby can already do wonders. Having some air circulation turns out to be enough to even compile things on a docked phone without it hitting thermal throttling.
I actually wrote that text. It isn’t obvious to me that it is in error. One thing for sure though is that the text does not cater for all possible problem scenarios, and I’m sure it can be extended and improved. So by ending with “contact Purism Support”, yes, it may generate more Support calls than necessary.
One random observation though … the text says (by implication) “use the supplied charger” and by using a dock you are not exactly using the supplied charger. At least, using a dock is outside the expectations of the author, and introduces additional variables.
I don’t think you have answered the question about the ambient temperature. If the ambient temperature is around 40°C, it is going to be difficult to charge the Librem 5 unless you have active cooling of some sort.
If you are on mains power, whether a lack of charging is actually a problem depends on the state of charge of the battery. If the battery is at 50% and the ambient temperature is at 40°C then you may not be able to charge but you may not need to charge.
On my screen, I see a kink, I click it, it only rfedraws the screen. Later, I see wghat the link points to, right “below” the paragraph w/ the link. It was on;ly suggestion, one of those things that are not appreciated.
Next like I see around here, I’ll scope the whole page next time.