Twin SIM fails often with L5

Does anyone has any experience with twin sims? These are two sims corresponding to one number.

When in harsh environments I prefer to have an inexpensive phone with me than L5. So I got an old nokia for this and a twin sim. What is the problem now:

I am not allowed to have both phones booted. So you shutdown one of them and then you boot the other. But often (at least once one per month) the L5 stops being able to make or receive calls. But Nokia continues to work. The only way out is to open both Nokia and L5 and put the sim from L5 to Nokia. If Nokia boots twice the card is re-established and I can move it back to L5.

It seems that Nokia does properly the shutdown of the SIM (de-registers the SIM from the cell tower), so the second boot has the card functional again.

But it is annoying to have to swap SIMs all the time. So I wanted to ask if anyone knows something about such a situation.

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In my country multi-sim solutions are tied to VoLTE network now days.
And to be precise the main-sim needs to support VoLTE and to make twin-sim/multi-sim work it needs to be all the time connected to VoLTE network.

No idea is this the case with your carrier but does not hurt to check:

  1. Does your VoLTE work with Librem 5
  2. Which sim is the main sim
  3. Does VoLTE work with old Nokia
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  1. When I make a call it drops to 2G (from 4G). I have tried many times to fix this on my L5 but can not make it work. I just hope it will be solved with crimson…

  2. I did not know one of them is “main”. I bought a package which had two sims inside. I just inserted them randomly to the phones.

  3. Yes Nokia supports VoLTE

It is true that I never permanently swapped sims. L5 has the sim I put inside the moment I bought the sims. Do you think if I swap the sims with Nokia the problem will be solved?

If this is not a solution then I have to retry the VoLTE. Are there any more recent instructions somewhere? L5 runs Byzantium fully updated. Maybe I need to contact support?

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I am living in Germany. I have an O2 multisim with 3 SIM cards working as one phone number. Inserted a SIM from this 3 the L5 I also cannot receive any call. Outgoing calls no problem. The support has all my informations and modem logs but no result/reaction in 2 weeks :frowning:

Seems to be a modem and/or firmware problem on the L5. On a test phone with PM-OS and plasma mobile the multicard system works perfect

Also a standard O2 Sim without any additional functionality like “multi” works perfect in the L5. Regardless I activate VoLTE or not.

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Well it sounds like that it might work if you switch the other sim to Nokia permanently.

At least that should make it working with my carrier :grinning:

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Not all Multi-Sim could be configured. Here in Germany we have the situation that mostly all Multi-SIM cards are equivalent and ring all when a call arrives.

So no further configuration possible. Maybe Your mileage vary and the (Multi)SIM in other countries behave different

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OK, then @alaraajavamma I will permanently switch the cards check a few days or a week and report back.

Here in Greece @zash1958 not all cards ring together. One of the two phones must be shutdown (or mobile hardware-switch killed for L5). I had talked to the carrier support after problems on Nokia too with flight mode (instead of shutdown) and they told me that even flight mode on one of them and the other booted will lock the sims and none would work.

From this one infers that flight mode on typical phones is not completely silent… :slight_smile:

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Dropping to 2G for making a call is normal behaviour in nonVoLTE networks.
I also have a dual sim with 1 number.
One sim is in an old Nokia phone (9300i) and the second sim is in my L5.
It seems to me that your network is not having VoLTE.
What network mode have you selected on the L5?
Mine is set to 2G,3G,4G (prefered)

All is working fine for me.

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For me no difference in not receiving calls- regardless VoLTE is enabled or not

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If you’re sure your carrier is providing VoLTE, and you’re not getting VoLTE on the L5 (with a normal SIM), then you may need to upgrade the modem’s firmware. Check in the BM818 Tool (VoLTE) app and find the date of the firmware displayed. It should be at least from 2022, I think. If it’s older than that, contact Support for the easy firmware upgrade instructions.

Regular OS updates don’t upgrade the firmware, by the way.

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Yes, more specifically September 2022.

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Yes, your screenshot is identical with my screen. Exactly the same 20220930.
But how do you check if it works? Does the button “Check Call for VoLTE” does anything?

I thought that when it drops to 2G during a call it does not use VoLTE. Is this wrong?

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Call someone, not sure, and no.

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You might also try restricting your network settings to 4G only to see if you can force it.


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I switched the SIMs and I will see how it goes…

When I force 4G no call passes through. My Nokia has “VoLTE on” in its settings, but unfortunately it does not give the option to force 4G. It has 2g, 3G, and 2g/3g/4g.

I know the carrier does have VoLTE from my wife’s android on the same carrier. I will double check though and see if I can force 4G with android.


On the Android, if you install an app from F-Droid called Network, you can get easy fine-grain control of the setting. You can also get the same control panel by dialing the “service code” on the Android - usually something like *#*#INFO#*#*.

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OK, thanks I will try. By the way my Nokia does not run android. It runs KaiOs.


Search the internet for “KaiOS network service code” or similar.

EDIT: Maybe something here: Nokia 8110 4G secret codes, Engineering Mode

Might be this one:
*#*#4636#*#* - Diagnostic and general settings mode (Phone, Battery, WiFi and other)
…which is the same as *#*#INFO#*#*.

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Very interesting… indeed. This is my Nokia phone exactly. I dialed *#*#4636#*#* and I just get three beeps and then hangs up. After the final * you dial the number (you press “call”) right?

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No. It should trigger the menu as soon as you enter the final *, without pressing “call.”

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