Unable to enable 3rd party software source

In “software” after choosing ANY program,
i get a message to “enable 3rd party software source?” I click “enable and install” and it returns

“Installation failed. If the problem persists, contact your software provider.
Detailed errors from the package manager follow:
installing not available”

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What 3rd party software source? Have you checked the “Software & Updates” app?

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I’m talking about “software”, not “software & updates”.
This is the message i see when i try to install qBittorrent or Telegram or any XMPP client.

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It’s been a month, and it’s really annoying, when will I be able to install 3rd party software???

Solved internally. But for future reference, the following Terminal command will fix software repo problems:

sudo echo -n "deb https://repo.puri.sm/pureos/ green main" > /etc/apt/sources.list

After this, run this in Terminal to update and upgrade the system:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Or just download the latest version, run the live boot, and from there the Calamares installer.