I can’t save any screen recordings using the Kooha flatpak app v2.0.1. Error message in the screenshot below. Some of the github issue threads mention this is because xdg-desktop-portal-gnome package is missing, however this package does not appear to be available on PureOS v10.
I would guess that this is an intentional aspect of the Flatpak sandbox security model. You should save files somewhere where the Flatpak does have write access or, if that is not convenient or not possible, try explicitly granting (write) access by the Flatpak to that specific path (creating it if necessary) or anything equivalent to granting that access.
The only folder I’m allowed to save in is Videos. I created a Kooha subfolder in Videos, and selected that as the save folder in Kooha preferences. Now the app is hanging during recording and needs to be force quit.