I am really struggling to set up my new laptop. I went through the first time setup wizard. Then I resolved the “ERROR: Boot Hash Mismatch” issue through the help of Support (thank you). I then installed ProtonVPN. Then in terminal I ran “sudo apt update”. There were over 1,000 packages available for upgrade. So, I ran “sudo apt upgrade.” I was connected to ethernet, but it still took a while to perform all of those upgrades. I then added the Flathub repository and restarted.
Now the Librem 14 lingers on the “PureOS” screen during boot up for quite a while, maybe a minute or two, which it wasn’t doing before and which my 9 year old laptop running PureOS doesn’t do. Then when I enter my user password to login, it lingers on the login screen for quite a while also. Again, this is maybe for a minute or two, and it wasn’t doing this before and my 9 year old laptop doesn’t do this. I have ProtonVPN and the Flathub repository on my 9 year old laptop running PureOS.
Also, when opening Gnome-Software, I get an error at the top of the window. The updates tab is noting 2 available updates, “2” in a blue square. When I click on the Updates tab I get the following error:
Unable to download updates:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
The 2 updates that are listed are:
OS Updates
GStreamer Multimedia Codecs
The Librem 14 also can no longer connect to the internet. Before it stopped being able to connect to the internet, when I ran “sudo apt update” it noted that 15 packages were available for upgrade. However, when I ran “sudo apt upgrade” it said 0 packages were upgraded and that 15 packages were “not upgraded.”
Please help me resolve this issue. I have a lot of questions about potential solutions to this issue. Just so you are aware, I have been using PureOS on my 9 year old laptop for, I would say, the last 6 to 9 months. That is about the extent of my Linux experience, and I’m not an “administrator” type power user on Mac or Windows either. I have tried to educate myself about Linux on the forums and through watching videos, but I know I have a lot more to learn. That old laptop and this new Librem 14 are my personal laptops. I have the following questions:
What is the best way to get my laptop running smoothly? Should I reinstall the OS?
If I put an ISO on a USB stick and reinstall the OS, will that affect the Librem Key and PureBoot? I know I would at least have to update checksums and sign all files in /boot per the instructions that Support emailed to me yesterday.
Reinstalling the OS doesn’t touch the boot partition, correct?
Is there anything that I lose from the OEM install of the OS when I reinstall the OS myself?
Also, with each major upgrade of PureOS, would it be best to install the new OS from an ISO on a USB stick to avoid unmet dependencies?
I emailed Support, but I’m not sure that Support is available on the weekends. So, I’m also asking for help here. Thank you for your help. I’m trying very hard to get this laptop up and running. To say that I am frustrated would be a bit of an understatement.