Upgrade to most recent packages

I recently got a Librem 5 but I was using a Pinephone beforehand and upon running sudo apt update and then sudo apt full-upgrade on my first boot of the Librem 5, I noticed these packages are very old. For example, chatty is 0.7.3 which is well over a year old (for reference, my pinephone is running Chatty 0.8.4). Am I missing something here that needs to be done to get the most recent packages? So far all I’ve done is boot up the Librem 5, run the update commands and reboot.

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Short answer is that yes, the packages in byzantium are getting pretty old.

See these links for recent discussions on the subject:


Thanks for the info. I might try putting Mobian or PMOS on it since it doesn’t seem like Crimson is coming soon.