USB-C charging does not work

At the moment I have to charge my battery with an external charger, which is not ideal. Here are some facts about my problem.

  • cat /sys/class/power_supply/tps6598x-source-psy-0-003f/uevent shows
  • I am able to flash new images via USB-C connector.

Even though you can flash new images, it might still be worth to try charging with a different cable, and with a different charger, and with the cable rotated the other way. I had a cable that seemed to work one way but not the other.

You could also check that “sudo dmesg -w” says when the charging cable is connected. For me, that shows the following lines repeated a few times:

[29910.728018] bq25890-charger 3-006a: Upstream supply changed: 1.
[29910.728041] bq25890-charger 3-006a: Disabling OTG_EN pin

Maybe also check for any messages involving “bq25890-charger” in the journalctl log.


Okay, contact Purism support:

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Plug a USB-A to C cable (important!) in and try both orientations. Does it react in any way? LED, dmesg?

While plugged in, reboot the phone. Does the red LED shine at any point?

Unplug it, turn the phone off (in this order!), wait 10 seconds, plug the cable back in. Does it start to boot? Try both orientations.


The Librem 5 is a bit fussy with the cables used. I have one cable here which charges my Pixel and does not charge my L5. Another cable I own charges both. Try different cables until you find one which works.

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