Usb0 carrier not detected

Hello and thanks to all who participate here.

I recently plugged my L5 into the Kensington dock that I use every day with my Windoze laptop. Amazingly, all the devices “magically” worked! (keyboard, mouse, monitor). I believe it was necessary to ‘ip addr add’ a local private LAN IP address, but even networking was functioning correctly.

After that one time, I cannot get usb0 to wake up. It seems constantly in “NO-CARRIER” state. I’ve tried a USB-C LAN dongle as well, same thing. The Settings->Network dialog shows “cable unplugged”. Again, this dongle works fine with other devices.

What am I missing? Did I inadverntently hork up the networking?

Thanks and kind regards,

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My quess is: yes. Did I win anything?

But seriously, just a stab a t the dark here, your setting of ip may have become “permanent” ip for the device, as when you normally connect to a network there should be a DHCP server that assign your device an ip. Which it can’t do, if you have an ip assigned to your L5 already. That would make this simple, but it could be your situation is more complex. Check to see what ip you have (and if it’s same with all network devices - is the situation same with all of them, can you get online?). Check online for details but I think its something like ip addr del to remove that ip. As for, if the network returns to normal with just that, I’m not sure - more details may be needed.

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