Using Box86 or Box64 to run x86 and 64 software on librem 5

Does anybody use box86 or box64 on their librem 5? I saw there were some older topic on this subject, but I haven’t seen anything recent.

I am interested because ProtonMail has a bridge client, but it isn’t compiled for ARM, so I can’t install it easily on the Librem 5. I would rather go the route of using a x86/64 emulator software like Box86/Box64 so that it can update on its own, and you don’t have to keep recompiling it if you want to update it. Is there anyone on here that uses Box86 or box64 on the librem 5?

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I’ve been using proton mail on my L5, and I always just logged in via web browser. Quite inefficient. Replying to subscribe to topic to hear of your solution. I always figured I should just change to my own server with Geary, and it was on me to do that, even though I did not do it yet.

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So I tried setting up a bridge on a virtual machine in my home network and then using my phone to connect to it through a VPN, but the ProtonMail bridge won’t let you connect to it from a remote machine, so it has to be local to itself. I want a better solution than just using the web app with gnome web, because it takes forever to load and doesn’t give you notifications when things come in. I want to be able to connect to the bridge through Geary because that makes things so much simpler and it is really helpful not to miss emails because you just don’t open the app that often and you can forget.

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Use Firefox ESR.

So I made a first attempt at installing Box64 and it installed correctly as far as I can tell, but when I tried to install protonmail bridge it had issues with it because it had dependencies that were amd64. I guess I could try installing those packages.

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I’ve run World of Goo and it works pretty well :slight_smile:

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