I am trying to install v412loopback following these instructions
this is what i get
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert ‘v4l2loopback’: Exec format error
maybe the below sheds more light??
sherab@sherab-librem:~/v4l2loopback$ sudo modinfo v4l2loopback
filename: /lib/modules/4.19.0-5-amd64/extra/v4l2loopback.ko
license: GPL
author: Vasily Levin, IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoelnig@iem.at>,Stefan Diewald,Anton Novikovet al.
description: V4L2 loopback video device
depends: videodev
retpoline: Y
name: v4l2loopback
vermagic: 4.19.0-5-amd64 SMP mod_unload modversions
parm: debug:debugging level (higher values == more verbose) (int)
parm: max_buffers:how many buffers should be allocated (int)
parm: max_openers:how many users can open loopback device (int)
parm: devices:how many devices should be created (int)
parm: video_nr:video device numbers (-1=auto, 0=/dev/video0, etc.) (array of int)
parm: card_label:card labels for every device (array of charp)
parm: exclusive_caps:whether to announce OUTPUT/CAPTURE capabilities exclusively or not (array of bool)
parm: max_width:maximum frame width (int)
parm: max_height:maximum frame height (int)
any suggestions