Waydroid Installed but network not detected (librem 5 can though)

That’s kind of you.
Thank you

Don’t thank me yet til we figured everything out here first. These are the links that I was referring too:


I feel we are getting closer here, it’s just figuring out what the right packet to enable forwarding specifically.

I’ll share what came up in the terminal in a bit after executing:

sysctl -a | grep forward

Can’t copy and paste from the terminal for some reason, but here are the screenshots:

The standard:

sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

didn’t work for me.

I must say - you may getting closer - for me this is almost complete incomprehensible…
I hope you don’t mind me piggy backing your experties

just to say that for no apparent reason - after your suggestions of ufw 67 and 53 and the FORWARD F-Droid in waydroid did manage to download a package - which is 100% improvement on my situation from yesterday…

This did the trick on mobian for me:
(fom your link Waydroid - ArchWiki 14)


Just had to do step 5 as well to make it persistent

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