WD_BLACK nvme SN770 Frozen 'cause Admin Password

Hi I was putting Admin and User password from Huawei Laptop.
I’m able to enter by User password, but I’m not able to remember the Admin I put.

I have already tried WD USB Format, Ubuntu and nmve-cli command lines,
both opening before the nvme with User Password and without insert password at the boot.

The fimware is the last: 731120WD
nvme Version: 1.4

More: nvme id-ctrl /dev/nvme0n1 -H | grep -E ‘Format |Crypto Erase|Sanitize’

[1:1] : 0x1 Format NVM Supported
[29:29] : 0x1 No-Deallocate After Sanitize bit in Sanitize command Not Supported
[2:2] : 0 Overwrite Sanitize Operation Not Supported
[1:1] : 0x1 Block Erase Sanitize Operation Supported
[0:0] : 0 Crypto Erase Sanitize Operation Not Supported
[3:3] : 0 Format NVM Broadcast NSID (FFFFFFFFh) Supported
[2:2] : 0 Crypto Erase Not Supported as part of Secure Erase
[1:1] : 0 Crypto Erase Applies to Single Namespace(s)
[0:0] : 0 Format Applies to Single Namespace(s)
[3:3] : 0 Controller Copy Format 3h Not Supported
[2:2] : 0 Controller Copy Format 2h Not Supported
[1:1] : 0 Controller Copy Format 1h Not Supported
[0:0] : 0 Controller Copy Format 0h Not Supported

nvme id-ctrl /dev/nvme0n1 -H | grep sanicap -A 5
sanicap : 0x60000002
[31:30] : 0x1 Media is not additionally modified after sanitize operation completes successfully
[29:29] : 0x1 No-Deallocate After Sanitize bit in Sanitize command Not Supporte

Total NVMe Features
Doorbell Buffer Config,Not supported
Virtualization Management,Not supported
NVMe MI Send/Receive,Not supported
Directives,Not supported
Device Self-test,Supported
Extended Self-test Estimated Time,208 minutes
Only One Device Self-test,Yes
Namespace Management,Not supported
Firmware Activate Download,Supported
Format NVM,Supported
Security Send Receive,Supported
Firmware Activation Without Reset,Supported
First Firmware Slot Read Only,No
Command Effects Log Page,Supported
SMART Information Per Namespace,Not supported
Reservations,Not supported
Save / Select Fields,Supported
Write Zeroes,Supported
Dataset Management Command,Supported
Write Uncorrectable Command,Supported
Compare Command,Supported
Compare and Write Fused Operation,Not supported
Cryptographic Erase,Not supported
Secure Erase All Namespaces,Not supported
Format All Namespaces,Not supported
Volatile Write Cache Present,Supported
Autonomous Power State Transitions,Supported
Atomic Compare And Write Unit,Not supported
Scatter Gather List (SGL),Not supported
Host Controlled Thermal Management,Supported
Thermal Management Temperature 1,Unknown
Thermal Management Temperature 2,Unknown
Warning Composite Temperature Threshold,357 °K (84 °C)
Critical Composite Temperature Threshold,361 °K (88 °C)
Sanitize Overwrite,Not supported
Sanitize Block Erase,Supported
Sanitize Crypto Erase,Not supported
Sanitize Status,Never sanitized [0]
Estimated Time For Block Erase,60
NVMe Namespace Information
NS 1 Total Sectors,3907029168
NS 1 Bytes Per Sector,512
NS 1 Active LBA Format Index,0
NS 1 LBA Formats Supported,2
NS 1 LBA Format List (Disk Performance),“512 (Good), 4096 (Better)”

I have tried also with the PSID, but nothing…

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Before performing any drive operations, I highly suggest to backup any important files from the NVMe drive. After doing so, prepare a USB drive with a PureOS/Debian/Ubuntu image, then boot it and install the nvme-cli package. We will be referring to the official article from NVMe Express as well as the manpage:

nvme(1) — nvme-cli — Debian testing — Debian Manpages

Thanks a lot, Frankly.
I had already copy all the files and also made a total backup of the nvme,
after opening it with User password.

I also tried more or less all the command line found in many nvme-cli explanation pages :slight_smile:

In the format or sanitize I always receive error (0x4615 or 0x4628) I just don’t remember now the exact number.

More if it could be useful, with smartmontools I found:
Optional Admin Commands (0x0017): Security Format Frmw_DL Self_Test
Optional NVM Commands (0x00df): Comp Wr_Unc DS_Mngmt Wr_Zero Sav/Sel_Feat Timestmp Verify
Log Page Attributes (0x7e): Cmd_Eff_Lg Ext_Get_Lg Telmtry_Lg Pers_Ev_Lg

Could be useful the Error Log Page ?

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Yes, you can access the error log page using this command:

sudo nvme error-log /dev/nvme0n1

Otherwise, I can provide a few commands for you to format or sanitize the NVMe drive. This command is for a Secure Erase operation with User Data Erase to namespace 1:

sudo nvme format /dev/nvme0n1 -s 1

If you would prefer to perform a Block Erase Sanitize, you can use this command instead:

sudo nvme sanitize /dev/nvme0 -a 2

I assume it will take about 60 seconds to complete the latter operation. Some of the instructions provided are from ArchWiki:

Solid state drive/Memory cell clearing - ArchWiki


I already tried that, but the two command didn’t work for me :frowning:

Tomorrow I will look for the log.
I have the nvme disconnected at the moment.

I was also thinking to try to by a pci-e to nvme, to try also from that :man_shrugging:

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So, both the commands worked, but…

Before I always received: Access to namespace and/or LBA range is denien due to lack of access rights (0x4286)

But, the password after it is still memorized and requested at the restart :smiling_face_with_tear:

NEW Edit

if at the restart of the Laptop I digit the NVME User Password, (and I boot from an USB Ubuntu ) then the Format command works, but it doesn’t delete the NVME Password.
The nvme, (after format /dev/nvme0n1 -s 1) is formatted, but at the next reboot the Laptop newly and still ask for the NVME Password.

if at the restart of the Laptop, I don’t digit the NVME password and I boot from USB Ubuntu,

  • Format command doesn’t work and I receive:
    Operation Denied: The command was denied due to lack of access rights (0x4015)

  • Sanitize command doesn’ work and I receive:
    Access Denied: Access to the namespace and/or LBA range is denied due to lack of access rights(0x4286)

:man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:


This is the Verbose error Log. There are 62 more ‘Entries’, all equal to “Entry [0]”

opcode : 06
flags : 00
rsvd1 : 0000
nsid : 00000000
cdw2 : 00000000
cdw3 : 00000000
data_len : 00001000
metadata_len : 00000000
addr : 7fff8b2a1340
metadata : 0
cdw10 : 00000001
cdw11 : 00000000
cdw12 : 00000000
cdw13 : 00000000
cdw14 : 00000000
cdw15 : 00000000
timeout_ms : 00000000
result : 00000000
err : 0
latency : 14238 us
opcode : 02
flags : 00
rsvd1 : 0000
nsid : ffffffff
cdw2 : 00000000
cdw3 : 00000000
data_len : 00001000
metadata_len : 00000000
addr : 652afae62000
metadata : 0
cdw10 : 03ff0001
cdw11 : 00000000
cdw12 : 00000000
cdw13 : 00000000
cdw14 : 00000000
cdw15 : 00000000
timeout_ms : 00000000
result : 00000000
err : 0
latency : 4071 us
Error Log Entries for device:nvme0n1 entries:64

Entry[ 0]
error_count : 0
sqid : 0
cmdid : 0
status_field : 0(Successful Completion: The command completed without error)
phase_tag : 0
parm_err_loc : 0
lba : 0
nsid : 0
vs : 0
trtype : The transport type is not indicated or the error is not transport related.
csi : 0
opcode : 0
cs : 0
trtype_spec_info: 0
log_page_version: 0

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Hi Frankly, sorry if I still disturb You,
but at the end the password wasn’t cancelled :frowning:

I edited my last post, but may be you didn’t see it anymore after the edit :sweat_smile:

Do you have any other idea? :disappointed_relieved:

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I do not have time to troubleshoot your issue until tomorrow, but if you want incomplete instructions, I can give you a general idea on what to do next.

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I don’t have stress, but yes:

“it would be great to be capable to delete the password request,
so to be able put the nvme in a USB Enclosure :sweat_smile: :man_facepalming:

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Okay, here are preliminary instructions, which assumes the locking SP is active:

  1. Download and extract sedutil, which contains sedutil-cli, then change to its directory:


tar -xf sedutil_LINUX.tgz
cd sedutil/Release_x86_64
  1. Use sedutil-cli with the --revertTPer argument to reset your NVMe drive to factory defaults:
sudo ./sedutil-cli --revertTPer password /dev/nvme0

The password parameter should be the SID password, which is likely the password you currently know.

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Nothing :sweat_smile:
I’m going to Throw the nvme in the WC :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I have edit Grub and Updated,
When I reboot allow_tpm value is "1! but:

./sedutil-cli -v --scan
Log level set to DBG
sedutil version : 1.20.0
Performing diskScan()
Scanning for Opal compliant disks
Unknown Feature in Discovery 0 response 303
Unknown Feature in Discovery 0 response 402
Unknown Feature in Discovery 0 response 404
/dev/nvme0 No WD_BLACK SN770 2TB 731120WD
Send D0 request to device failed 255
/dev/sda No is-samtsred-comune.tnp ffci-eao
No more disks present ending scan

sudo ./sedutil-cli --revertTPer Mypassword /dev/nvme0
Invalid or unsupported disk /dev/nvme0

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I tried also other commands as:
but always Invalid or unsupported disk /dev/nvme0

Thanks anyway :person_shrugging:

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