Welcome to the Purism PureOS forum

Questions, thoughts, ideas, and support regarding PureOS are welcome here.

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Hi everyone! I like Pure so far but I can’t load the wifi on the non ethernet having tablet. What should I do, I’ve seen that the drivers are ucode and the walkthrough doesn’t let me JUST RUN the install since I am not connected to the internet. Ofcourse the drivers are proprietary so they’re not included per the Pure code.

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Hi @Scylla81M,
I think you’ve posted your question in the wrong place. I recommend deleting this post, then creating a new one in the category of the piece of hardware you’re asking about.

Go here and click on the +New Topic button.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

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I’m having trouble with the most recent OS update. I’m showing the alert, but it won’t show up when I try to restart. And when I go to the software manager and try to download it, it says that I have unmet dependencies, but doesn’t say what they are.

sudo apt update and upgrade don’t change anything for the OS.

As a side note, Rythmbox isn’t working either. It won’t play mp3s for sure, but I haven’t checked other files.

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