What Are Dependencies Anyway?

I will apologize now but in my own defense, I do remember this being asked, I did use the Search tool here, and can’t find the answer so…

The PureOS Crimson Development Report: August 2024 starts off about …“work needed right now is to resolve dependency issues in the Crimson archive.”

Are dependencies similar to Windows .dlls tucked away in the Windows folder? i.e., where a 3rd party developer can use instead or reinventing them?


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A dependency in this context is a software package, or packages, that another software package requires in order to be usable/operational.

In the case of Crimson, it probably means that the dependencies haven’t been worked out yet that would make the OS ready for use.


To add to that, the dependency may be a specific version or it may be that version or higher. So once you know what the dependencies are, you have to check on version and make sure that you have an appropriate version.

That then becomes recursive, since the dependencies may in turn have their own dependencies. …

So the end goal is: A set of packages where each package is by definition a specific version, and every package’s dependencies are correctly met - and then, you know, everything actually works i.e. you have to integration test the release.

The first part of that is kind of automated in the sense that you will get errors installing if dependencies aren’t met. That doesn’t necessarily help you to fix the problem though.


They have to be living in your abode age 24 and under. If over 19, also be a full time student or disabled.