What happened to PureOS updates?

I noticed a sharp decline in updates (via apt), starting about 2 weeks ago. Initially I thought maybe something had gone wrong with the last round of updates I did get (think this was on 6/30). Didn’t see any errors in the logs for that time (though I’m still a Linux newbie, might have missed something).

I kept checking this forum and never saw anyone asking about missing updates, which seemed to confirm it was an issue on my end… but what? Out of date kernel? (4.19.0-5amd64) Old hardware? (HP laptop, only 2 years old)

I did try several searches on the forum, initially to no avail. Finally stumbled on this post:

Also, I did finally notice a couple browser updates over the last few days…

So it looks like, due to the transition from (Debian) Buster to Bullseye, we will be seeing a lull in updates to PureOS for a time.

Hopefully, I just answered my own question, but I wanted to get confirmation from the community, and wanted to put the question out there in case anyone else relatively new to PureOS was wondering the same thing.


I noticed the same and assumed it was because Buster became stable. Unfortunately, it looks like we will become ‘testers’ again shortly. :wink:


We have strived to make PureOS a convenient GNU/Linux distro and don’t intend to require our users to be testers of new software. However, we’ve messaged many that we have a “rolling release” and we want to find a way to delivery both convenience and a rolling release to those who want it. We’re working on some pragmatic steps in that direction and ask that you keep an eye out in the next two weeks for announcements regarding this.


Dear @jeremiah. Do you think you could add gnome-menus preinstalled into PureOS? I had the problem not able to install Arc Menu and the thing that was missing was gnome-menus. If you want convenience you should add this one.

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Yes the fact that gnome-menus is not preinstalled means some menu extensions like Arc Menu or Applications menu don’t work out of the box.

Ubuntu had the same issue for a while, but i don’t know if it was resolved.

Would you mind making an issue requesting that package, and why you think it is important in our issue tracker here: https://tracker.pureos.net/

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