What Is Safest Way to Turn L5 Off?

Order of events:

1 - Phone was left on over night.
2 - Checked for a text. Took 15 seconds from Click to open Chat.
3 - Closed Chat and tried to open System - 15 second wait.
4 - Tried to open Mobile ERROR ‘No WWan - ensure one is connected’ (can’t remember exact words)
5 - Managed to get to Shutdown.
6 - 15 seconds later, it shut down to the black screen with “Librem 5” white text.
7 - “Librem 5” has been showing for at least 4 minutes plus the time it took to type this and it just went off.

Instead of waiting 5 - 10 minutes for the phone “Librem 5” to stop advertising, can I just hold the power button in for a few seconds to shut down, or will it cause problems doing that?

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sudo shutdown now

That will do it if it gives you problems


Problem is, shutdown hangs leaving the onscreen after there is no return to the cmd prompt. Even taking a picture and looking in to the foldder hangs the device. Getting to the cmd can’t happen.

But hey, I find to the tip will be useful - a lot. Thanks

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Ah yes. I didn’t read thoroughly enough. Sorry.

I resorted to the cmd shutdown after your exact problem, hanging on the “Librem 5” screen. My phone is brand new (just turned on yesterday) and I just held the power button down and have since used the cmd method. I hope it’s not a persistent issue.

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Unfortunately it is somewhat persistent, as I have seen this on bug where occasionally the OS refuses to fully shut down after using convergence a few times without any restarts or shut downs.


You have my sympathy. Mine arrived 15 months ago, and still fixing it.
I’m sure my demon from Byteland is unique. It’s just too old.
However, you are in the right place to get help. Lots of seasoned players here.

I think the Librem ad on the screen after shutdown will eventually fade out. I had it happen again and just left it there. Looking back about 20 minutes later, it was gone.

@Sarcasmo220 post #6 mentions a connection between convergence and shutdown. Luckily, I don’t remember having that issue, but I might be lucky because the L5 doesn’t recognize it being docked in a Puri docker. I don’t remember dock being a shutdown issue for me.
I haven’t docked since my 8th re-flash and as I understand it, flash is like getting a new PuriOS.