What was happened? Why is so bad!

Install webapps … what? You mean progressive web apps?

That’s what they call ut when you add a link to a web address to your desktop: webapps.
You can do this in the Gnome browser and in Angelfish, but not - as far as I can tell - in Firefox.
One reason I went for Angelfish, is because the webapps made in that browser seem somewhat quicker to load than the ones in the Gnome browser.
(You can even assign icons to these webapps by editing the corresponding file in .local/share/applications.)

Sorry for mistyping Angelfish as Anglefish.
(Small keyboard, big fingers, bad eyesight.)

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Ohhhhh, you mean a desktop link. It’s really weird when people decide to rename a concept.

I was curious about what progressive web apps you might be “installing”. My security 6th sense rings off the hook when people start to talk about downloading some random piece of software online.

Not that it’s any of my business, you do what you think is best. Was just curious. Thanks for the clarification.

My favorite browser is gnome web, I like it’s minimalistic approach despite missing some “not track” features, but maybe also missing some spyware from firefox lol

Angelfish is not Firefox in disguise, is it?!

This is the one aspect of any browser I refuse to do without…
which is why I’m not a big fan of GNOME Web.

I also prefer more complex preferences and controls for fine-tuning, rather than over-simplified, dumbed-down basic ones.

Personal choice is a good thing, though, so… to each their own.

So, which browser do you prefer?

On the L5, I don’t do much browsing, but I would default to FirefoxESR, if I needed to do some random searches (and I would enable my VPN, of course).

I still create webapps with Web now and then, though, for sites that don’t cause privacy concerns for me, which I might need to access often. (Example: UV Index for my general geographic area)

On laptops, I use FF-ESR for general browsing, and regular FF for account access (banks, investments, mortgage, credit card issuers, medical, airlines, etc. And Amazon :face_vomiting:) Always via VPN, of course.

I keep Web on my laptops, too, for sites that I feel I have to use and which won’t play nice with FF/FF-ESR, even when relaxing privacy controls, because I can’t get around recaptcha, for instance. Fortunately, my VPN includes tracker-blocking.

I also have Pale Moon and LibreWolf installed still, but I don’t use them much.

“L5 is the best TRUE gnu+lnx phone in world, so you need update all firmware and driver to get working very good, also there is a huge huge,huge improving coming up in PureOS Octarin”

When will be ready Octarine? Will it solves all problems with high temperature? Will it solves all problems with GPS? Will it solve a problem with camera?
Right now my Librem 5 is lies on the desk with black screen and screen have more the 36,6.

At this time phone is useless, because if I want to go out I have to take my other phone, because of bettery time and temperature.
Will we see how hot will be if it will be more then 30 degree outside. Remeber that Purism said that phone can work between 0 and 35.

Yes it can be True that Libre 5 do not let to track me. If GPS is showing random position… It is hard.

When you fix the problems I will write here that phone is perfect…

https://software.pureos.net/suite/octarine/localization/1 is empty


Trust me and Trust on Purism team too.
Octarine will be the best ever for Librem 5.

That’s a security feature. :rofl:

I don’t think anyone is claiming that the Librem 5 is perfect. It isn’t perfect.

The claim that you quoted is that the Librem 5 is the best (true1) Linux phone in the world. Whether that claim is true depends on what phones are within the scope of the claim, and how high the bar is set by the other phones that are within scope, and on the sometimes subjective judgement of “best”.

One thing is abundantly clear: The Librem 5 is getting better (which, again, is sometimes a subjective judgement).

And obviously equally clear: The state of development of the Librem 5 at the time you received your phone was not where you hoped it would be.

I don’t think that it matters as much how the Librem 5 compares with other Linux phones (or indeed with other phones in general) as it does whether the Librem 5 meets the needs of a given customer (which depends on many many things).

1 I’m a bit suspicious when someone uses the word “true” to qualify a claim in this way, @carlosgonz. This kind of dubious rhetorical device even has a name: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman :slight_smile: Maybe you just mean to exclude Android.

citation needed

You won’t be able to charge the phone when the ambient temperature is above 40°C. So to some extent, the short run time on battery interacts in an unpleasant way with the charging temperature restriction. However the run time on battery is being improved, making that restriction less severe.

If it were perfect, it wouldn’t need any more upgrades, philosophically speaking.

First time I heard the word Octarine here. How high can it go? Dodecarine? Isocadrine? How many iterations before it is the same as a prescription medicine?

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Lol :laughing:…octorine, landing, benzentyum is the difference stage the release goes through for testing I guess before it gets pushed to your L5

I read that you can leverage the Firefox “kiosk mode” to make web apps behave like locally installed applications. I never tried it, though.

I’ve gone back to Brave it’s decidedly faster I think, now that I sorted out my mobile data issue.

While I’m with you on the enthusiasm, I think to say it will fix all problems in these areas (camera/GPS/etc) is a bit too far.
Don’t get me wrong though, the progress so far is incredible in these areas and I’m pumped for what the future holds.
And I may finally have my own L5 soon too :slight_smile:

All that said, do we actually know the release time frame for Octarine? If it’s following Debian Bookworm then… bookworm release planned on 2023-06-10 and the last weeks up to the release. Not too far off.

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And will it be possible to upgrade to it without reflashing the phone? (I hope.)

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Yeah i just confident estimating…how amazing the Librem 5 will be on Octarine based in all the DATA i have about it.
IMHO the Librem 5 already work amazing, but peoples need to know how to use it as daily driver, i mean there is some trick to use to get the Librem 5 work i lot efficient, some tricks: No firefox, not waydroid, not app daemons, watch video at 480p, not 720p, use 3G if work instead 4G, use white theme instead black,wlan 2.4gz etc,etc,

Also pipewire will help a lot to powersave and heat to L5, also webgtk >=40.2 or 42 if i remeber well.
Dorota also is making a fancy improvent to L5, not yet ready, pretty much fancy things is missing and will be to L5.