What's happend with the display?

Just for curiosity’s sake, what shows up with a screenshot?

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Is there a chance a fix for the update that seems to be causing this, will be available soon?

Side note:
Being a beta tester isn’t my forte’. This “upgrade” or “update” is why I wait 2 - 3 weeks, pending the manufacturer, before letting updates for fixes to patched upgrades in.
I know releases look good on paper, but… I’ll wait as others start reporting bugs and something is done to fix it.
Haven’t used the L5 in a while, but just now discovered there are updates ready to be installed. I don’t think so - not yet.

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Hmm… That would have been a good idea to determine if the problem is hardware (a flex circuit defect, as assumed by support), or software (the graphic driver actually draws the ridges).
Unfortunately my L5 was shipped back to Purism via FLOSS-Shop, so I can’t test that now.


Got my L5 back, problem solved (not sure what the root cause was or how it was solved yet).

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Maybe ask Purism.

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Hello Everyone,
I experience a similar issue that @X88 had. Every fourth pixel rows are replaced by a slowly-fading “average” of the displayed image on dark screen, and dark lines on white screen. The intensity of the phenomenon depends on usage, it gradually worsens over the hours and fades when the phone is off for long. It began shortly after the phone was shipped, with no much usage. Upon unpacking, everything was fine. I contacted Purism support, but they didn’t give any meaningful response since April. Does anyone have any recommendation or experience on this?
The brightness slider adjusts the backlight correctly BTW.
/sys/kernel/debug/edt_ft5x06/fw_version is 3, batch is evergreen.

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Contact them again with a new email.

Looks like simple hardware failure to me. My opinion only.

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I wrote to them again, let’s see if they respond.

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Also, check to see if your touchscreen firmware is up to date.

sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/edt_ft5x06/lic_version /sys/kernel/debug/edt_ft5x06/fw_version

It should be

Checked, it is 2 and 3 as it shall be.

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Yes, contacting the support again is probably your best bet.
But I must admit that it takes a lot of patience. I originally received my faulty L5 on January 27th. I sent it back, and it came back repaired on … May 18.
Note : this delay is not representative, because I voluntarily waited for the reopening of the facility in Germany at the end of March not to send it to the USA. In fact, the repair itself took about a month and a half. The given reason was : "The issue was hardware related and I was told that we had to replace the display and connectors."
My advice is therefore to be polite and patient, to respect the instructions indicated in How to properly send emails to Purism, but also to contact support regularly, say every 15 days, to find out the status of the repair (and to avoid that your request ends up in > /dev/null :wink:).
My main contact at the support was João Azevedo, who always answered me kindly.
Good luck to you


Interesting. Is that this one: https://www.floss-shop.de/en/?

Are the collaborating with Purism? If so that would be really great!

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I see:

sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/edt_ft5x06/lic_version /sys/kernel/debug/edt_ft5x06/fw_version

Is that problematic? I do not experience any issues related to the screen.

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That is unexpected, and suggests that the touchscreen firmware is not up to date.


You need to run that while the screen is on.


Just for curiosity’s sake, what happens when you take a screenshot?

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Just for curiosity’s sake, what happens when you take a screenshot?

Nothing, the screenshot shows the screen normally (without stripes).


Yes, the return label for the RMA was adressed to FLOSS-Shop, in the city of Siegen, Germany, which matches the website you point to.
I suppose they are collaborating with Purism because I have been asked to send back my L5 there by the Purism support.
I don’t know much more (I 'm in France)…


Just for information: after several unsuccessful reflash attempts, the phone was sent for RMA to Germany. I expect that the display will need to be replaced, but I don’t know yet.

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