When is Crimson coming?

Thanks @FranklyFlawless, I was being lazy and hoped I guessed correctly.

@OpojOJirYAlG yes, when I have said Purism, I meant the leadership. In my day job, I deal with a lot of executive leaders, and I’m astounded at how much they lose sight of what they are trying to, or should be working towards. The primary focus of executive leadership always seems to be the near-term and not the long-term.

Back on the topic of this thread, I know we all are anxiously awaiting the release of Crimson. And, I do know it will eventually get released. My anxiety with Purism, is more on what changes is Purism making behind the scenes, so that it can operate more effectively so that we won’t have a thread in the future of ‘When is Dawn Coming?’

I think this speaks to the concerns other’s have raised in other posts, on whether we to put money into Purism fundraising, if we don’t have much visibility or insight into understanding what our donations are being spent on. The accountability piece.


What other {x}paks are out there?

fatpak: full of bloatware?

fratpak: put out by a college greek house?

ratpak: hosted by vocal crooners from the late 1950 early 1960s.



I hope I’m not too off-topic, but I thought I would chime in to provide some history for the name “flatpak”. Originally (and for the first 6 months or so) the project was called xdg-app (the “xdg” coming from FreeDesktop’s XDG = X Desktop Group set of standards). Kind of uninspiring, right? His friends convinced him to rename it. Alex Larsson, being from Sweden, and IKEA being a general Swedish inspiration and famous for flatpacks (easily shipped ready-to-assemble furniture) … he simply dropped a “c” from flatpack.

I should note that there are also “snaps”. The history there is that originally there was “click” (although it might be “Click” or “Click!”) packaging for Ubuntu’s phone. When Canonical expanded that to the desktop it was renamed “snappy” … and, then somewhere along the way, it got renamed “snap”. It should be noted, for anybody that accuses Canonical of NIH, that “snappy” was released 3 days before the first line of code was checked into the xdg-app (flatpak) repository. It’s so nice that we have repositories that document that. Sadly, I had to remind Alex of that fact on one of his blogs since he, himself, got the sequence wrong.

And to weigh in: I’m not a fan of flatpaks or snaps. They definitely have uses and provide a reasonable option (especially for immutable and/or LTS distros), but my feeling is that they should only be a BAND-AID™.


I agree with this view. they are nice to have, but only to fill a gap where, ideally there would not be a gap.


My guess would be that the changes are: upstreaming.

So that in a hypothetical future the gap between the underlying Debian release and the associated PureOS release is much smaller, and the Purism effort to get from one to the other is much less, and the time delay is much less.

My guess is that interface capability and interface changes are the obstacles for upstreaming some Librem 5-specific functionality.

To the more general question (when is Crimson coming?) we all know that Purism has taken plenty of heat for making forecasts and then not hitting their dates. So I can understand that they would be hesitant to answer the question.


In this case I think the issue is less about setting a date and more about defining milestones and tracking them.

Sure the question itself implies date, however many of the messages here would have been assuaged by having the milestone tracking be public and consistent progress be visible.

Sure it’s open source and anyone can see the gitlab. But that doesnt mean anyone can look at gitlab and tell what progress has been made, what is remaining, and how much time those things equate to.

Things that would typically be handled by a project manager.