August 6, 2020, 9:22am
Should Dogewood not be delivered in July? Now we have August and there is no information abaut the date of delivering.
Hello @hier
Please see this forum post linked bellow. I would ask that if you have questions about the shipping of Dogwood you would do it in the other thread to avoid duplication:
Customers who have chosen to receive Dogwood should have their Dogwood shipments go out today. But wait, you might say, didn’t you post that Dogwood was already “finalizing testing before shipping to those who are part of this batch” a few weeks ago?
It’s true, at the time of that post we had started our final burn-in testing and started contacting Dogwood backers to confirm their current shipping address and also to give them an opportunity to switch to Evergreen if they wanted. It took a week…
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