When will the L5 be a Matrix-powered smartphone?

Thank you for this clarification, I misinterpreted the changes on the git.

I see that there is now a a merge request on this topic:


This is outstanding news, as a Matrix user and future L5 owner, I am delighted to read this!

A review of Matrix clients for Linux phone:


Fractal team is woking to rewrite the software:

We are working on rewriting Fractal from scratch using GTK4 and the matrix-rust-sdk. This effort is called fractal-next.
We already talked several times in the past about rewriting the application, but for different reasons we didn’t do it. Now that the matrix-rust-sdk exists, which does a lot of the heavy lifting for us, we have a good starting point to build Fractal without the need to implement every single feature from the Matrix API. Finally with the release of GTK4 we would need to rework most of Fractal’s code anyways. Therefore, it just makes sense to start over and build Fractal with all features (e.g end-to-end encryption) we have in mind.
The main development branch is fractal-next. Issues that target fractal-next should be labeled accordingly as “fractal-next”.

The new rep is here:


Further info to fractal works in the next months:

They also plan to work on E2EE!

And another interesting fact, FOSDEM used matrix this year:


11 posts were split to a new topic: Messaging networks

I moved the recent messages to a new topic, because the new subject changed a lot while it’s not clear the original discussion died out yet, and because of Torrone’s request.


I’ve seen Julian Sparber listed on the https://puri.sm/about/team/ team. So is the full time work on Fractal a Purism initiative?

No, he’s working on it via NLNet if I remember correctly.


There is now a ARM64 build of FluffyChat:


Version 0.30.0 will be the first version with arm64 support. You can download binaries from the CI and we will try to publish it on Flathub. Together with the new Linux Desktop Notifications feature, this might be interesting for the Librem 5 or the PinePhone. Sadly I don’t own one of these very interesting devices. If you have one, I would very like to see some screenshots of it! :slight_smile:


@torrone , thanks for flagging! just downloaded their flatpak and runs so smooth in Byzantium!
have sometimes an odd bug that when i type the cursor remains in the first position. but the interface and everything fits and moves so well, might consider switching Revolt for Fluffy


The Gnome Chats 0.3.0 changelog:

And a new blog post about Fractal next:

We are also making continual improvements in support for the Matrix chat protocol in Chatty and it already works well for unencrypted rooms. Supporting encryption in Matrix is a priority for us and we currently have initial support for it in Chatty as well.


New Element investment:


Some news about Fractal next:


Does anyone use Matrix with Chatty / Gnome Chats? Is it working now with encryption or is it still in development?


I do. It can be a little wonky, and you have to manually verify by text in another client first, but it works pretty well overall now in 0.4.0
I actually use Chatty on my pinephones as well as my pinebook pro. With encrypted rooms! :slight_smile:

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Please clarify, I don’t understand (that’s definetly my fault)

So another client like say Element I can go into the settings -> Security & Privacy -> Show All Sessions

In there I can see Chatty with a red badge meaning not verified. So some clients will allow verification (sharing security keys) through things like Emoji matches or scanning a QR code (mobile). Chatty doesn’t have that, but instead you can manually verify by text where it shows you the DeviceID, which you can verify is the same as Chatty inside the Preferences -> click on your matrix account -> Advanced Information.


Currently there is regular news about the progress of Fractal-next in weekly posts on the matrix.org blog.
