Will the librem 5's firmware be upgradable?

Is it possible to upgrade the firmware of the Librem 5? I’m asking because i heard the raspberry pi 4 was the first pi to support firmware upgrades?

And what will be their method of flashing the device? Using a external tool on a computer and hooking it up using the USB-C?


The operating system on the Librem5 will be upgradeable. That is one of our main goals: you are allowed to run whatever you want because the phone belongs to you.

It will be loadable over USB from a computer.


What about non-free firmwares loaded in MoDem, Wifi/bluetooth and GNSS chips?


I understand that, but i wasn’t sure about the firmware for other hardware in the phone like @torrone is mentioning?

On that side, we’re going to adhere to the requirements set by the FSF, as we’re striving for their Respects Your Freedom certification. The negotiations are still ongoing, and as far as I can tell, there’s nothing that’s designed especially to prevent updates in the current batch.


The modem may support FOTA, which is a tricky aspect because some people may not want that, and because it may be outside the control of the phone or its operating system.