Wipri- a tool that manipulates wifi & ethernet

wipri (WiFi Privacy) - Privacy Disinfo Tool

A tool that turns your computer into an actor,which mimic other devices .

Can be useful because it sends fake information to routers and devices around.

I don’t believe that it will fool a serious network analyzer, but according to the recorded logs of my router, my room is like a corridor through which people are constantly passing, but in reality I am alone in the room and reading the Purism forum.

the installation of the script did not go smoothly, although on other debian based systems it is on the fly.

of course i don’t have time to research if the install script is buggy or if the PureOS team has introduced new security features, whatever:

wget -o- https://github.com/RightToPrivacy/wipri/archive/refs/heads/master.zip

unzip master.zip

cd wipri-master

sudo chmod +x install.sh

sudo ./install.sh

Creating /etc/wipri directory…
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/etc/wipri’: File exists
Copying OUI files into /etc/wipri…
Copying wipri executable to /usr/bin/wipri for command access…
Making wipri an executable command…
We are done installing the command!

Now creating first wipri-list mac address…

Public Blog/Tutorials + More: https://buymeacoffee.com/politictech

Example: wipri-list -a
[Above] generates NEW valid OUI mac address adding it to our file

Example: wipri-list -d eth0 -s
[Above] selects random address from list - MUST first use -a to add mac addresses]
Run wipri-list -a at least once to begin creating your mac address list (or single mac)

Example: wipri-list -l
[Above] lists current mac addresses from our list

Example: wipri-list -r fe:ed:de:ad:be:ef
[Above] removes fb:ee:de:ad:be:e1 from our list

Created And Added MAC: b4:34:96:c9:51:71

b4:34:96:c9:51:71 has been added to our Onion Memory
wipri-list has first quasi-permanent mac address option
wipri-list is a new optional command for either single mac address or as many as you make in the list

Running command wipri-list will display examples…
continuing install…

Simply type wipri -H to receive help.

Would you like to additionally have wipri change your identity at boot (systemd)?
This will start a new uniquely generated identity (mac/hostname) for your wifi device at each boot.
Start a new disinfo identity at each boot (yes/no)?: yes

(the following question below can use commands from wipri or wipri-list adding them to boot)
What wipri mac address command would you like to start at boot? (ex: wipri -d wlan0 -p):

wipri -d wlan0 -p
if when running the script you have a permission error messages and you will (PureOS things or an error in the installation script) do the following:

cd /usr/bin

ls -l wipri

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 23804 Jan 8 17:28 wipri

if not x as above add

sudo chmod +x wipri

ls -l wipri-wipri-list

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6232 Jan 8 17:28 wipri-list

if not x as above , then add

sudo chmod +x wipri-list

let’s test it with the help command

sudo wipri -h

Detected Devices:
wipri -d [device][any combination of below flags here]
-w [turn off wifi radio when you leave home automatically after x min to prevent saved SSID tracking] (can be used with other flags)
-a [anonymous/ghost mode: continuously change MAC/hostname/signal strength at
continuously changing [coordinated/simultaneous] times/addresses to mimic new devices
-p [static smartphone mimic] Set single static Samsung/Apple MAC identity
-P [changing smartphone mimics] continously changing Samsung/Apple at rand times/mac addr
-r [randomizes mac continually changing times/addresses]
-m [Static MAC (Your Choice) Here]
-i [rand (valid) MAC identity]
-h [rand hostname]
-R [restore to original hostname]
-s [random signals]
-S [continual changing random signal strengths, continually changing random time periods]
-A [generic randomized WiFi SSID (AP)]
-H help
To see multiple examples/descriptions see: wifi -H

let’s test the variation -p [static smartphone mimic] Set single static Samsung/Apple MAC identity

sudo wipri -d wlano -p

to make a long story short restart the device, after booting you should see the new hostname and mac

purism@laptop:# sudo macchanger -s wlan0
Current MAC: d0:17:6a:06:49:22 (apple)
Permanent MAC: 38:2c:4a:bf:5e:87 (Spark Lan…)

now we are visible as Apple Laptop.

…I think at first, the screen resolution would betray us… :slight_smile:

explore further on your own and have fun

something useful:


sudo systemctl start SERVICE: Use it to start a service. Does not persist after reboot
sudo systemctl stop SERVICE: Use it to stop a service. Does not persist after reboot
sudo systemctl restart SERVICE: Use it to restart a service
sudo systemctl reload SERVICE: If the service supports it, it will reload the config files related to it without interrupting any process that is using the service.
systemctl status SERVICE: Shows the status of a service. Tells whether a service is currently running.
sudo systemctl enable SERVICE: Turns the service on, on the next reboot or on the next start event. It persists after reboot.
sudo systemctl disable SERVICE: Turns the service off on the next reboot or on the next stop event. It persists after reboot.
systemctl is-enabled SERVICE: Check if a service is currently configured to start or not on the next reboot.
systemctl is-active SERVICE: Check if a service is currently active.
systemctl show SERVICE: Show all the information about the service.
sudo systemctl mask SERVICE: Completely disable a service by linking it to /dev/null; you cannot start the service manually or enable the service.
sudo systemctl unmask SERVICE: Removes the link to /dev/null and restores the ability to enable and or manually start the service.


I was interested, so I followed the link you posted above.
Unfortunately, I could not access that particular page: now GitHub (M$FT) asks me to create an account before I can view this page! Never before was I forced to give any PII to access Github. What’s even more funny (or cynical) is that I would have to give plenty of PII just to consult a privacy-enhancing project! Sounds so much like BigTech agenda…
So my question is: has someone experienced the same thing and has something changed with that forge recently? Is it now mandatory to have an account?
Could also possibly be some of my local rules for UBO, but I reviewed the logs and couldn’t see anything wrong there and tried to unblock as much as possible with no better outcome.
Could Github perhaps detect that I am using TBB and refuse access? But I am using it without the TOR network and going through the regular internet, albeit with a VPN.
Sorry for asking this question which is not exactly related to your post (although both are privacy concerns) - but I would like to know if something has changed with GitHub or if I have to look more deeply into my own local configs.


When I clicked the link, I received what looked like a normal GitHub page. I clicked one file that was listed and that seemed to view OK. At the shell prompt I did a git clone ….git and that seemed to work correctly too.

I think you might be blocking too much!


No, I can access it directly. You can alternatively use a GotHub instance to view the repository’s README.md:

README.md | RightToPrivacy/wipri - GotHub

If you are using the Tor Browser to access the GitHub repository, you can set the Security Level slider to Standard or Safer, but not Safest since that completely omits displaying the README.md on the webpage.


That provides additional evidence that … @TiX0 sorry, dude, it’s just you. :wink:


For the more paranoid among us (and not saying we’re not - a bit at least, nor that it wouldn’t be warranted), the github readme does offer this also to TOR:

### MAIN GIT REPOSITORY (FOR LATEST WIPRI UPDATES FIRST / FEATURES): http://gg6zxtreajiijztyy5g6bt5o6l3qu32nrg7eulyemlhxwwl6enk6ghad.onion/RightToPrivacy/WiPri

Above Gitea Onion location is the best place to file issues (Gitea Onion is checked daily, not on github as often)

[ Gitea Onion is dedicated anonymous Git server respecting user anonymity ]

(Use Tor Browser, or torify / Tails / Whonix) is the main location and is updated more often.


Yes, probably the case. I will investigate when I have some time.
Or it may just be because I reloaded the page many times from the console, UBO rules and NoScript, sligthly modifying rules one after another…I guess maybe after so many tries, it might raise some flag (like suspicious bot-like activity or something)


Thank you! That’s just what I wanted, to read the readme.md for deciding if I want this or not. I didn’t know about this GotHub thing - very interesting.

I override TBB security slider, because I prefer the much more grained NoScript blocking possibilities.
I was able to load your GotHub link without executing any javascript at all, only the document, css, an img and a favicon.

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Note that GotHub is unmaintained, so attempting to use either the master or dev branch has issues with displaying the repository (issue #124). Therefore, I have provided the direct link to the README.md for your convenience. I did attempt to deploy my own GotHub instance on 1984 a few days ago, but I decided to uninstall it due to these aforementioned reasons, among others.

Thank you for this info, which addresses my worry: they are not (at least not yet) blocking and censoring Tor Browser, nor Onion services. More and more valuable sites are now blocking access to identified Tor exit nodes and even identifying TBB while using it over the clearnet through a VPN.
I might try with Tails, as suggested.

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I can access it just fine, even with all my tracker blockers (browser) and VPN (with DNS filters).