Wires was not correctly attached to my SparkLan wifi card (no 2.4 Ghz network and only a few 5 Ghz)

I received a Librem 5 evergreen with a SparkLan wifi card. When I got it I was only able to discover some 5 GHz networks, but no 2.4 GHz networks.

I first checked that all antenna wires was connected, by disassembling the phone as instructed by this Purism post. All wires was connected.

After that I changed which wire was connected to which socket on the Sparklan card. This solved it!

I could not use the channels made for the antenna wires in the case, but by taking one of the wires on a different path I was able to connect them. The image below shows how I connected to the Sparklan card.


I hope you enjoy the SparkLan card. It is pretty nice.

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