Your government implements 24/7 online monitoring. What do you do?

Can people in Cambodia find a way to circumvent these controls?
What could you or I do in the same situation?

Move. (10 chars)


Yes, hopefully emigration would be available to anyone in such circumstances. That’s not always the case, of course.

It isn’t. I guess couriers will be in higher demand.

satellite phone. Perhaps with some sort of internet over satellite. Of course, you can be caught with it too.

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I think we really need to think beyond using another country’s internet connection or moving.

Because, and I hope people don’t think this is too crazy, what if every country on earth does something like this?

I really don’t know about you, but I’d like to think many people have seen some example of a majority of countries at once taking what they personally believed was the wrong approach to something or other, and didn’t justify going along with it to themselves with “they can’t all be wrong”. I certainly have. Most smart people won’t dare say that it was wrong though, not unless there’s enough trust that I won’t tell the wrong people they think something thought to be wrong to think.

In this type of situation, the most moral thing to do is construct an entire second set of network infrastructure. But to get that, the glass fiber cables, the repeaters, the copper cables, the power companies, the servers, the switches, and every single factory of every single component and every single mine and refinery feeding the factories needs to agree to defy the government’s orders to not sell or transport to you. And you really have to be brave to defy that, since the government has the tools they need to incapacitate, or even violently destroy any offender, and in no country I can think of do the would-be offenders have the tools needed to defend themselves. No one at any of the many companies involved will want to put up any resistance, or they will risk losing the ability to feed themselves. No one who would be asked to carry out the destruction of those who would make an effort for freedom would stand with them, or they would risk losing the ability to feed themselves, and whatever friends they have, too.

Which is why I don’t think people will put up a fight when the time comes. When the United States and the EU explicitly implement this, I think people will come up with flimsy excuses to justify it. “We need it” to “stop the spread of misinformation”. “We need it” to “catch predators”. “We need it” to “stop terrorism”. “We need it” to “end racism”. “We need it” to “secure elections”. “We need it” to “make people pay their fair share”. “We need it” to “stop the sale of guns and drugs”. Maybe even to “make sure people are buying what they’re supposed to” by that point. Force the advocate for freedom to be an expert on every imaginable subject so he can prove that there’s no actual need for mass surveillance on each issue without branding himself some kind of monster before you relent. At best you’ll hear “there just aren’t enough people”, and that’ll be the only argument that’ll be true.

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That’s the real question.

Forcing all traffic to route through a certain place, thereby subjecting the traffic to surveillance, may seem novel (apart from China where it isn’t novel) but it isn’t really novel. It is no different from the effective position in most countries - internet traffic is potentially or actually available for surveillance / internet traffic is inherently insecure.

So the real question is: Does the “central gateway” block all encrypted traffic? block all VPN traffic? Does encryption use or VPN use trigger retaliatory measures from the government?

I suppose a novel non-violent civil disobedience measure would be a mass campaign of ceasing all use of telecommunications devices. Go back to the pre-telecommunications era. If it were widespread enough, it wouldn’t disadvantage any individual in the country.

That’s a more complex question because I would like to think that you or I could vote the bastards out. :wink:

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When that time comes, I will say, “What do you mean ‘we’, paleface?”

Be a farmer and don’t go online.

That’s kind of what I suggested but a fair bit of technology is used on farms these days.

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…some of it so proprietary that you can be sued or prosecuted if you use it “wrong.”


More info:

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