Anbox in Liberty Phone

Can taxi, postal and banking apps?

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Anbox is not available on the L5 but Waydroid is. See:
Anyone Successfully Run WayDroid on Librem 5?


I read, but didn’t understand, can mail and banking applications be waydroid?

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Waydroid is a android operating system container that is loaded onto PureOS. You can install any android app onto it. However, the camera does not pass through, so if you need a camera for your apps it won’t work.
I would suggest reading through this whole thread from top to bottom. Remember that this link :point_down: is the one to use to install it:


waydroid can gps?

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No, GPS does not pass through to Waydroid

On a side note, Puremaps works well for navigation on the L5


In fact you are not right… I’ve found some trick to passthrough GPS to Waydroid, but you are required to patch the image and edit lxc config. That is more important, you can NOT share AGPS (I mean GeoClue’s output and there is no info about wifi inside lxc) yet, only pure GPS that does not see GLONASS or BeiDu satellites in my case.


If you could write up a guide to do camera and/or GNSS passthrough into WayDroid and place it here (or in the Librem 5 community wiki), I imagine a lot of people would get value out of this.

IIRC from a conversation with Jonathon, camera passthrough may be resolved via some updates to libcamera that will be available in crimson. But workarounds are appreciated until that happens.


This is the link to the original post about GNSS passthrough, right now I can not make additional value for that. I just resize the image partition and put all necessary files into.

I thought about libcamera and will try to backport pipewire and related stuff to byzantium in a month to give camera access at least to firefox. Passthrough to waydroid may be the next step :slight_smile: