Anyone else tempted to get a Nexdock XL?

I perused the Nexdock website and saw the announcement of the Nexdock XL. It’s basically the same as the Nexdock 360 (or wireless) except it has a 15" screen, the placement for the phone and touchpad are different. The phone would rest above the keyboard and be held in place by magnets.

I have the Nexdock 360 and really enjoy using it. I added a magnetic mount on the back for the times I am cramped for space, don’t have my little phone stand, or am using it in tablet mode; so all in all other than the bigger screen the XL doesn’t add anything. The cultural brainwashing of American consumerism has me feeling tempted to get it still :joy:

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As of now I heard the 360 will not be available for 3 weeks or so.

I guess its possible to go outside of purism for this item?

As long as you do not mind dealing with analytics, trackers, web beacons, and so on elsewhere, you are free to go.

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So this comes with installed proprietary software? I thought it was inert until you plugged in the phone with just a keyboard, mouse, and screen and I/O ports.

I think it is about the webpage/shop itself, the nextdock is kind of inert, it has firmware to control the audio/video/power input/output but I don’t think it can get any information from you.

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I was referring to purchasing it elsewhere. Other websites are not as friendly with their privacy policies when using their websites or purchasing from them compared to Purism. Remember, you are the product.

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