Anyone Successfully Run WayDroid on Librem 5?

@dos says

Android doesn’t know what to do with our cameras though and it isn’t likely to change anytime soon.

@dcz says

[…] video stream to send over the internet must be encoded. Encoding needs lots more compute power.

… so I wouldn’t be too hopeful on that point. However I saw somewhere (not in this forum, maybe on Stack Overflow?) that we can take a local image (or video?) file and make Android (the post was specifically talking about WayDroid) believe it’s a camera. At least for QR codes for 2FA apps that should be enough.


I think it is my turn to have waydroid not working after an update.
It is a couple of weeks ago it broke. When I try to launch waydroid nothing happens.

I was used to use my trick as I described earlier in the thread, but this trick does not work anymore.

Anyone having experience in getting it working again?


Try this. sudo systemctl start waydroid-container


I had a same error a long time ago as i did the update within waydroid (until i had the problem).
I recommend to always use the terminal and sudo waydroid upgrade when you see the update alert. That works always good since i do that. You could maybe even do it now. May it solves the problem.


I tired to do this

but it seems that it did not really do any difference. At least not that I could spot.

Then I recalled that @Bearserker used this trick, and fortunately I had my USB hub right next to me.
I plugged it in and waydroid finally started.

I updated waydroid inside the container and now it works really great. Even much better than before.

I guess that this command might be the real solution if it possible to force update waydroid from the “outside” or how to phrase it. I’ll try to do this if I encounter the problem again. I got it to work before I saw this. So I have not been able to test if this it the real trick.

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You should do this INSTEAD of updating from inside.
I use this command also if tthere is no more internet connection. It stops and restarts the container and launch’s automatically the GUI.

I recommend to activate the ‘seedvault’ backup in parameters and sync the backup folder with syncthing or something else, so that you simply reinstall all apps and many apps data. To reinstall I wrote a script on this forum.

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I’m just curious. Whats the difference and why prefer this approach?
I haven’t work a lot with Waydroid, so I’m still pretty new in this area.

Do you have a pointer do this?

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Is anyone else having trouble getting internet access in waydroid?

I’ve already re installed the app/image, rebooted, tried toggling the ethernet teathering, tried applying the code:

waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.fake_wifiwaydroid prop set persist.waydroid.fake_wifi *F-Droid’

although, I’m not sure if I got it right and I still can’t get any internet service of any kind within waydroid.

Is there anything else I can check or do to it?

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The difference is because if it does not work after update inside, i am not sure if it may brick the waydroid image. With the command sudo waydroid upgrade you are sure to success.

My script to reinstall Waydroid is here : Curious case of Waydroid (on Librem 5)

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FWIW: Your mileage clearly varies, but I have upgraded via the WayDroid update tool (as opposed to the sudo waydroid upgrade command) 3-4 times successfully so far without corruption. All I know right now is that I used the WayDroid package from the Purism CI artifacts as previously linked, and I tend to be very good at keeping packages updated.

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@dos so I’ve question for you: I’m using smart ring that requires Bluetooth to data transfer to the app and no app for L5. I installed it into Waydroid but you written no Bluetooth allowed in Waydroid. So how to solve it? Is it a current limitation and it’d be allowed in the future or no chance due to security stuff?
Please let me know, thank you :slightly_smiling_face::pray:


It’s basically not implemented. The Android system inside the container has no access to Bluetooth services running on the host OS. Someone would have to write an Android driver that would communicate with host’s Bluez. I’m not aware of existence of any such implementation so far.


Unfortunately, Waydroid doesn’t have access to camera and microphone of the main system yet, once it does, I can afford to migrate completely to the Librem 5.

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I can confirm that it has microphone access. To download the right way use
Anyone Successfully Run WayDroid on Librem 5?

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That’s good news, as I’ve been busy and haven’t checked for it.

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Alright, Ive been trying to get waydroid setup to replace the things pureos doesnt do well yet. The one thing I cannot get to work anywhere is youtube. Anyone know of a browser, or app, or set of instructions to get it working anywhere in waydroid? Any help would be appreciated. Its one of the few things holding it back as being dailyable for me.

Or if anyone knows how to get a good experience on pureos outside the stock browser and firefox lmk.

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YouTube app or YouTube online?

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Yeah? They both suck.

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Am using Freetube runs great on PureOS


I make audio calls daily in Skype under Waydroid. No problem there.

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