Awesim activation

Hello. I ordered the a new Awesim SIM card and received it yesterday. I emailed support yesterday and I have not received a response. I need to port-in my old number and I am a little impatient to get this done as I do not want to miss calls for work. I previously used a different provider. I have contacted the provider and gotten the necessary permissions/information to port-out the number.

I have not yet received a response from support. I tried and wireless@purism.

What is the normal response time? Is there another way to activate my number that I am unaware of? If somebody tells me it takes a couple days to hear back from support, ok, fine.


Under 48 hours for orders.


I saw you tried wireless@purism .

I specifically emailed to activate my card. I had a quick turn-around time (same day).


I wanted to report that AweSIM is awesome for me. I have been running through cellular services for the last year trying to find something that works. I should have done this a long, long time ago.

I recommend to others that they activate it on their device.

Thanks Purism!


Thanks for the review

Were the recent complaints only due to sharing (leasing or whatever) AT&T cellular network infrastructure when AT&T went down for nearly 12 hours?

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I am not the guy to ask. I believe there is a recent thread about this and I believe the complaints were mainly due to AweSIM outages and switching to a new service provider. See here: Librem AweSIM extended service outage - #59 by tracy